Amstrad Computer User (October 1991)

Source: Amstrad Computer User – October 1991

The Amstrad CPC was one of those 8-bt computers that had a large following in the U.K. but was unheard of in the U.S. I guess compared to some other 8-bit comptuers (Commodore 64, Atari 8-bit, Apple II, etc.) it had a relatively short life being introduced in 1984 and discontinued 6 years later. There were several different models (mostly compatible with each other) with the most popular being the original CPC 464 which included a Z80 processor, 64KB of RAM and a built-in cassette deck. Amstrad Computer User was one of the magazine that covered Amstrad systems and the October 1991 issue includes:


  • News – The European Computer Entertainment Show gets a mention; All Formats Computer Fair becomes a nationwide event; Euromax announces new joysticks; Dizzy games stay in the charts; new Seikosha SO2415 printer; and more.
  • Letters – Letters from readers about the Amstrad GX4000, ProType, and more.
  • The Techie Bit – Creating machine language based Resident System Extensions.
  • Adventure – Hints and tips for various adventure games including Quest for the Golden Eggcup, Village of Lost Souls, The Guardian, Total Reality Delusion, Storm Mountain, and Project Volcano.
  • Hairy Hacker – Some Dizzy tricks plus various hacks for Ikari Warriors, Lords of Chaos, Bombjack 2, and more.
  • Bomb Alley – Reviews of the latest game release including Neverending Story II, Virtual Worlds, Viz, The Match, Mercs, Quattro Skills, Swap. Plus reviews of budget games including APB, Bubble Bobble, Vindicators, The Untouchables, Ghostbusters II, and Renegade III.
  • PD Scene – A look at the public domain software world including instructions for obtaining public domain software from Adventure PD, Data PD Library, DW Software, Penguin Software, Robot PD Library and more.
  • Comms – A guide to communication protocols with a look this month at XMODEM and YMODEM.
  • Applications – Questions answered about transferring files between an Amstrad CPC and IBM PC compatible; a look at Xexor disk copy utility; and more.


  • On the Line – Some tips on setting up a Bulletin Board System.
  • Game On! – The Spritemaker, a type-in sprite making routine to help with your own game creations.
  • Easy Draw – Easydraw 2, a type-in drawing program for the CPC.
  • Treasure Trove – The winners of a treasure map making contest.

…and more!

