EGM2 (December 1994)

Source:  EGM2 – Issue Number 6 – December 1994

I think that December 1994 represents the absolute peak (at least in terms of page counts) of video game magazines. Electronic Gaming Monthly, one of the most popular gaming magazines, actually had two publications each month at the time and in December 1994 and averaged close to 400 pages. the December 1994 issue of EGM2 (or EGM^2 or EGM Squared or whatever you want to call it) weighed in at 356 pages, covered at least the Super Nintendo, Genesis, Sega CD, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, PlayStation and arcade games and included:


  • Meet the New, Tough Cast of Samurai Showdown 2! – A detailed look at SNK’s new Samurai Showdown 2 including the large number of fighters.
  • The Sony PlayStation is Making Waves in Japan! – A look at the PlayStation, first games available and an interview with Hiroshi Koyomoto fomr the marketing division of Sony of Japan’s Computer Entertainment Division a few days ahead of the official launch in Japan.
  • Hear the Roar of the Jaguar and it’s Games! – The Atari Jaguar was a terrific system for its time and quite powerful. It came out strong but sadly, Atari repeated its mistakes of the past and failed to put sufficient resources into first party game development and third party support. A look at Checkered Flag, Bubsy, Syndicate, Theme Park, and Iron Soldier.
  • Capcom Mania is Striking the Video Game World! – A detailed look at new and upcoming Capcom games including X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse and Mega Man X2 for the Super NES.
  • Earthworm Jim Exposed! – A look at the making of Earthworm Jim 2 as well as some strategies for the original.
  • The Adventures of Batman and Robin – A detailed look this game for the Sega Genesis based on the animated series of the same name.


  • Insert Coin – A positive look at the Atari Jaguar and indeed, the first batch of games looks pretty good…at least the ones mentioned here.
  • Interface: Letters to the Editor – Letters about playing Super Famicom games on the Super NES, Quarterback Club vs. NFL ’95, how to get into the game business, Satan’s snubbing from MK II, R-Type 3, and more.
  • Fandom Central – A look by Arnie Katz at the latest in gaming fanzines.
  • Press Start – Nintendo sponsors online conversations about Donkey Kong Country via CompuServe, Capcom announces Mega Man: The Wily Wars exclusively for the Sega Channel, who’s on the Street Fighter 2 soundtrack, EA Sports and Catapult sponsor XBand superbowl of gaming, and more.
  • Gaming Gossip – Sony PlayStation prepares for launch, Namco announces support for PlayStation, Street Fighter III in the works, Mortal Kombat II and NBA Jam Tournament Edition rumored for 3DO, Wayne Gretzky signs deal for hockey game on the Super NES, Genesis and Sega CD, and more.
  • Tricks of the Trade – Tips and tricks for Mickey Mania (Genesis), Belle’s Quest (Genesis), Roar of the Beast (Genesis), Lemmings (Super NES), Death Valley Rally (Super NES), Speedy Gonzalez (Game Boy), EXO Squad (Genesis), Daffy Duck: Marvin Missions (Super NES), Fire Power 2000 (Super NES), Pirates of Dark Water (Genesis), Super Game Boy (Super NES), Aero the AcroBat (Super NES), Ultimate Fighter (Super NES), Batman: Return of the Joker (Genesis), Urban Strike (Genesis), Mickey Mania (Sega CD), Earthworm Jim (Genesis), Final Fantasy III (Super NES), Shaq Fu (Super NES), and much more.
  • Next Wave – Previews of Eternal Champions CD (Sega CD), Mega Bomberman (Genesis), RapJam Volume One (Super NES), Brutal (32X), ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Genesis), Midnight Raiders (Sega CD), Ogre Battle (Super NES), Ecco: The Tides of Time CD (Sega CD), Marko’s Magic Soccer Ball (Game Gear), Power Ranger (Sega CD), NHL All-Star Hockey ’95 (Genesis), Home Improvement (Super NES), Flying Nightmares (Sega CD, 3DO), The Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Game Gear), and Ignition Factor (Super NES).
  • International Outlook – A look at new and upcoming releases from Japan including Chrono Trigger (Super Famicom), Front Mission (Super Famicom), King of the Fighters ’94 (arcade), Rockman Mega World (Mega Drive), Wonder Project (Super Famicom), Go! Go! Ackman (Super Famicom), Godzilla (Super Famicom), Battle Racers (Super Famicom), Super Tetris 3 (Super Famicom), Hashire Hebereke (Super Famicom), and World Heroes 2 Jet (Game Boy).
  • Arcade Action – The latest news from the arcade world. This month, updates to Primal Rage, arcade game based on Cops, Midway readies Killer Instinct, and a new Street Fighter style X-Men game is coming. Plus, the top arcade games in Japan and the U.S. Sports Fishing by Sega makes it to number 1 in Japan and in the U.S. it is Revolution X by Midway.
  • Arcade Strategy – Midway sponsors T-Mek tournament, a detailed look at Samurai Showdown 2, Bubble Symphony, Power Spikes II, Raiden DX, and Killer Instinct.

Fact Files

  • International Fact Files – See International Outlook above.
  • Super NES Times – A look at new and upcoming Super NES games including Super Punch Out (Nintendo), X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (Capcom), Mega Man X2 (Capcom), and Rise of the Robots (Acclaim).
  • Outpost Sega – A look at new and upcoming games for Sega systems, including: Ristar (Sega for the Genesis), NFL Quarterback Club (Acclaim for the Genesis), Exo Squad (Playmates for the Genesis), Great Circus Mystery (Capcom for the Genesis), Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Acclaim for the Genesis), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Playmates for the Genesis), Star Wars Arcade (Sega for the 32X), Doom (Sega for the 32X), Flashback (Sega for the Sega CD), Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Sony Imagesoft for the Sega CD), Popful Mail (Working Designs for the Sega CD), and Flink (Vic Tokai for the Sega CD)
  • Planet 3DO – A look at new and upcoming games for the 3DO, including: Street Fighter II Turbo (Panasonic).

…and more!