Compute!’s Gazette (September 1988)

Source: Compute!’s Gazette – September 1988


  • Exta! Extra! Write All About It! – A guide to desktop publishing on the Commodore 64 and 128 including an overview of some of the software available, including The Newsroom, geoPublish, Personal Newsletter, and Paperclip Publisher.
  • Putting It to Work – Some examples of how Commodore user groups are using various desktop publishing software to create newsletters.


  • Deja Vu – A mystery themed text/graphics adventure by Mindscape that was originally written for the Mac.
  • Ticket to Washington D.C. – An educational game in the same vein as Carmen Sandiego but with a focus on Washington D.C.
  • X-15 Alpha Mission – A 3D arcade style shooter in which you are in the cockpit of an X-15 space craft (not to be confused with the research aircraft).
  • Star Empire – A vast action strategy game that borrows a lot from games like Elite in which there are a number of goals including finding the cure for a galactic plague and ultimately building a shield to protect against alien invasion.


  • Lincoln Green – A type-in arcade style game in which you play a Robin Hood like character running through the forest protecting your treasure and dodging arrows.
  • Boom and Bust – This type-in game combines Hangman with Circus Atari. Launch your clown to hit the balloon with the letter that you want to guess…
  • Lava Flow – A type-in game in which you must build walls to prevent the Lava flow from getting to you.


  • BASIC for Beginners: The Pigeonhole Analogy – This BASIC tutorial teaches you all about arrays.
  • The Programmer’s Page: Did You Know That… – Various programming hints and tips, including PEEKing strings, undimensioned arrays, abbreviating BASIC, and more.
  • Machine Language Programming: Debugging – Some tips on debugging machine language programming, including making the RUN/STOP key work and a specific debugging example.
  • Pattern Fill – A type-in graphics utility that will fill areas with any rectangular pattern.
  • Multicolor Graphics Dump – A type-in program for sending full screen graphics to a MPS-801, MPS-803, Commodore 1525 or compatible printer.
  • Multicolor Graphics and Video Storage – A detailed article on how graphics are stored and accessed on the Commodore 64, including a programming example and instructions for how to print.
  • ML Boot – A type-in program that lets you auto load up to 9 machine language programs at once.
  • Speedcheck 128: A Spelling Checker for SpeedScript 128 – A spell checker for Gazette’s own word processing program that was also originally published as a type-in program.
  • Disk Package – A type-in program that gives you a more full-featured set of disk utilities (and also supports the 1764 RAM Expansion) vs. the DOS 5.1 disk that comes with the 1541 and 1571 disk drives.
  • MultiSort 128 – A machine language sorting routine that can be used from your own BASIC programs on the Commodore 128.


  • The Editor’s Note – An overview of some of what was shown at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show.
  • Letters to the Editor – Some readers complain about defective Commodore 128Ds, a question about the Commodore PC10-1, and another about page numbering.
  • Feedback – Questions about converting a 1702 monitor to a color TV, alphabetizing in SpeedScript, printing machine language listings, formatting and using double-side vs. single-sided disks on the 1571, and more.
  • D’Iversions: Murder at Palenque – A look at a interactive videodisc software and the future of multimedia software.
  • Horizons: Counting People and Making Faces – A look at the chat mode of various telecommunications services and a comparison with CB radio.
  • The GEOS Column: Quick Clock – A type-in program that gives you a simple clock desktop accessory for GEOS.
  • News & Products – New products mentioned this month include Home Video Producer, Tower Toppler, Technocop, Battleship, Final Assault, Street Sports Football, The Legend of Blacksilver, Mind-Roll, The Games: Summer Edition, Pete Rose Pennant Fever, U.S.S. Ocean Ranger, Predator, Zak McKRacken and the Alien Mindbenders, Neuromancer, Serve and Volley, T.K.O.,Fast Break, and Rack ‘Em.

…and more!

