Source: BigK – Issue Number 12 – March 1985
Big K was a short lived gaming magazine published in the U.K. in the 1980s (1984-1985 specifically). It also incorporated some of the contents of TV Gamer which apparently bit the dust just before Big K but that wasn’t enough to save it. The decision to cease publication must have been up in the air for a while as there was a new competition introduced and some to be continued articles included in the final issue. On the other hand, an obituary was also included for the magazine. The final issue from March 1985 includes:
Games Programs
- Midnight Falls on N’Ganth for MSX
- Egg Eater for VIC 20
- Battleships for Atari
- Draw! for Spectrum
- Caverns of Nogard for Dragon
Software Reviews
- Up Front
- Pick of the Month
- Review Pages
- Merrie Melodies: Island’s BBC music system
- MSX Games: A First Look
- Big K First Readers Poll Results, The Winners, the Losers!
- Behind the Curtain: Big K goes to Hungary
- Software Superstars: Top programmers talk
- Souping Up the 64: C64 system software
- CAD CAM Couture: Hi-tech hi-fashion
- On-Line News
- The Ferret
- Dorkslayer: Adventuring with Keaton
- Classic Games of Our Time
- Stix
- Letterbase
- Shatter: World’s first computerized comic!
- Big K Inlay Cards
- Charts
- Win a Limited Edition Tir Na Nog Map
…and more!