Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #10 (part 14)

A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:

I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of POLANSWE.DOC dated October 26th, 1985. These are Connie’s answers to some poll questions. Only the answers are here not the questions but you can figure out most of them.

See the previous post here.



For what they are worth, here's my answers:

1.  I do not currently have a subscription to an 'adult' magazine but
once had one to "Playgirl".

2.  I have purchased adult magazines at newstands, convenience stores,
or bookstores.  But what I have to go thru to muster up my courage to
do so is something else! 

3.  yes.

4.  Regardless of the magazine, when I first get it, I go thru page by
page, scanning without stopping to read any one thing in great detail.
Then the magazine is put aside until there is more time to read it
thoroughly.  <which explains the 4 ft high stack of magazines by my bed!> <grin>

5.  "Playgirl" is the most frequently purchased magazine but I have on
occasion purchased others, particularly when someone indicates
something of interest in one that I want to investigate further.

6.  The pictures do very little for me but all the rest apply.

7.  All the the listed items but not a lot of time was spent doing so
as far as items b, c, d are concerned.

8.  Although I answered yes, I have one comment to make here:  I would
pick up such a magazine to view or read, *provided* I was alone at the
time.  For instance, there are times (such as lunch hours) when I
could read such, provided I took it with me to work, but would not
because of what others I work with might think about my doing so.)

Now is anyone else game to answer these questions?
