Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #10 (part 13)

A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:

I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of OMNITERM.RCV dated October 27th, 1985. It appears to be a log capture from the terminal of a user navigating logging on to Delphi, reading mail and performing other activities. Some of the contents has shown up in other files but what makes this interesting is the sort of start to end interaction with the system. A snippet of what “going online” was like in 1985.

See the previous post here.


*dt 3561115x
DIALING...t 3561115
service : gvc

*u001 000 connected to 61703050

Username: CABUYS



Welcome to DELPHI
Copyright (c) 1985
General Videotex Corporation

Logon at   : 27-OCT-1985 11:03:54
Last Logon : 27-OCT-1985 10:55:25

Close Encounters - The Intimate Side
   of Computer Telecommunications
       (c) 1985 SLG Associates

You have new Forum message(s).



To:     rodm

Subj:   me  your account

Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit:

I couldn't wait so I came on line on your account and reposted your

I also posted the "Clock" since it's very appropriate today! <smile>

Hope you don't object but if you do, please say so.  I'm now d going to post
my reply to your message  .

By the way, I also went into your workspace.  You have a mess there that's
going to cot   st you money!

I'll clean it up, if you wish, like i   I did before.  Just give me the ok to do

I love you!


New mail on node BOS1A from CABUYS       "CONNIE"

MAIL> readn newmail          d newmail

    #1          27-OCT-1985 11:06:24                                     NEWMAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     RODM,CABUYS      
Subj:   your account


I couldn't wait so I came on line on your account and reposted your

I also posted the "Clock" since it's very appropriate today! <smile>

Hope you don't object but if you do, please say so.  I'm now going to post
my reply to your message.

By the way, I also went into your workspace.  You have a mess there that's
going to cost you money!

I'll clean it up, if you wish, like I did before.  Just give me the ok to do

I love you!




Welcome to the Close Encounters Forum!
Forum contains messages 1 through 311.
Highest message you've read is 309.

You have new message(s).
Press RETURN to READ WAITING Messages.

FORUM> read 310

310  27-OCT 11:01 Play Ground
     Time to Reset Your Clock
     From: RODM         To: ALL

For those of you on Eastern Time, hopefully by now you've reset your clocks.

Here's one way we could reset our clocks:

This is a mature discreet adult SIG.....

9       ^      9
9            |            9
9       <-------O               9

9                         9

9              9

NO sex until 9:00 !

(In other words ... NOW!!!!)

FORUM> edit

310  27-OCT 11:01 Play Ground
     Time to Reset Your Clock
     From: RODM         To: ALL

Change Topic (Y/N)? n

Change subject (Y/N)? n

Edit text of message (Y/N)? y

Please wait.
    1       For those of you on Eastern Time, hopefully by now you've reset you
r clocks.








    3       Here's one way we could reset our clocks:






    6                This is a mature discreet adult SIG.....






    9                                9


   10                        9       ^      9


   11                                |


   12                   9            |            9


   13                                |


   14                                |


   15                                |


   16                9       <-------O               9








   20                   9                         9




   22                        9              9


   23                                9




   25                        NO sex until 9:00 !


























   38                     (In other words ... NOW!!!!)












UD_2:[0RRG1HTF9]118XXX310.TMP;2 42 lines

FORUM> read 210

No such message.

FORUM> read 310

310  27-OCT 11:01 Play Ground
     Time to Reset Your Clock
     From: RODM         To: ALL

For those of you on Eastern Time, hopefully by now you've reset your clocks.

Here's one way we could reset our clocks:

         This is a mature discreet adult SIG.....

                 9       ^      9
            9            |            9
         9       <-------O               9

            9                         9

                 9              9

                 NO sex until 9:00 !

              (In other words ... NOW!!!!)


311  27-OCT 11:03 Open Forum
     RE: sex positions & me (Re: Msg 305)
     From: RODM         To: CABUYS (NR)


You are presenting a chalanging question!

I guess the first thing that comes to mind that I would share is that
anything as intimate as sexual positions must be the mutual adventure
of BOTH partners and never be something imposed by one on the other.

The next thing is that whatever objection one partner has to a
particular sexual position, act, or anything shared that objection
should be recognized as a valid one and that objection answered by
BOTH and an agreement hopefully reached!

Now for the question as to positions NOT liked.

I am going to NOT be specific but say that there several positions I
find unfavorable for reasons of discomfort, <physical AND
psychological> not expressive of love and passion, or just not
possible for me to perform!

In all of the cases above I feel justified in my objections and trust
my partner will be respective of my objections.

In my history such objections were sometimes NOT respected and that
can cause something that may be between or a combination of
humiliation and pain to my person or ego.

I hope I NEVER cause that discomfort for my Love!

I hope that posses some answer or support for you and anyone else.


FORUM> rep


Please enter your message below. CTRL/Z when Complete.
 I've been very lucky!  My partner and I have the mutual respect and
 love for each other that 
allows us to talk about *EVERYTHING*
 including our deepest feelings about the mutual adventure we are
 Love, support, understanding and communication between lovers is so
 important but too often we get so wrapped up in other things that
 this all gets put on hold.
 In this particular incident I have to admit that I *thought* I was
 doing very well in keeping the real reason for objecting to various
 positions well hidden. You can imagine my shock when his comment hit
 the nail square on the head! Now that I've acknowledged the real
 reason, he and I can go on together to hopefully overcome this.

Response Message 312 Stored.

FORUM> read 312

312  27-OCT 11:10 Open Forum
     RE: sex positions & me (Re: Msg 311)
     From: CABUYS       To: RODM (NR)

I've been very lucky!  My partner and I have the mutual respect and
love for each other that allows us to talk about *EVERYTHING*
including our deepest feelings about the mutual adventure we are

Love, support, understanding and communication between lovers is so
important but too often we get so wrapped up in other things that
this all gets put on hold.

In this particular incident I have to admit that I *thought* I was
doing very well in keeping the real reason for objecting to various
positions well hidden. You can imagine my shock when his comment hit
the nail square on the head! Now that I've acknowledged the real
reason, he and I can go on together to hopefully overcome this.

Highest message read: 312.



DBASES:Gen> wo

WS> on

You are now in the common group workspace.

WS> dir


WHYONLIN.DOC;1           97/100     17-SEP-1985 20:11

Total of 1 file, 97/100 blocks.

WS> list whyonlin.doc

 ** Conference of 9/14/85 - Topic: "WHY DO YOU COME ON-LINE?"
 ** Beth just joined CLE - WHY COME ON-LINE? (2 members now) **
 ** Connie just joined CLE - WHY COME ON-LINE? (3 members now) **
 ** EFK just joined CLE - WHY COME ON-LINE? (4 members now) **
 EFK> Do you usually stick to the topic in this conference?
 Myself> well, once we get started.
 Myself> we try to hold close to the original topic
 Myself> but have been known to stray
 EFK> Sounds good.
 Myself> if the general discussion moves in another direction which
         generates a better discussion.
 Myself> well, lets see what we can do
 EFK> I'm used to main conf.  It can be a zoo.
 Myself> I think this tymnet thing is going to keep attendance down.
 Myself> well, that is the nice thing about here..
 EFK> Been going on for weeks! Aren't they working on it?
 Myself> less congestion.  more conversation.
 Myself> that is what they say they are doing.
 Myself> but I don't see any results yet.
 EFK> Talk is cheap.
 Myself> agreed.
 Myself> ok
 Myself> lets start this conference....
 EFK> I've been curious about something for a long time John...
 Myself> yes? what is that?
 EFK> Why do you call yourself myself?
 ** STUART just joined CLE - WHY COME ON-LINE? (5 members now) **
 Connie> <oh - oh!><giggle> you've done it now!
 EFK> Hi Stuart.
 Myself> well I am <after all> Myself ...  but seriously...
 EFK> yes?
 Myself> I picked it up on another system
 Connie> hello Stuart.
 Myself> and just kept it.
 Beth> Hi Stuart
 EFK> Just be yourself. Is that it?
 Myself> you see, my name is john <hence johnmyself> and you know how
         many of those there are.
 Myself> bingo.
 EFK> Ok.
 Beth> {I always wondered, too}
 Myself> now for t

WS> comm d

You are now in the DATABASE workspace.

WS> dir

Directory DB_1:[DB.ENCOUNTER]

                         29/30      26-OCT-1985 12:31
                         10/10      24-SEP-1985 18:50
                          5/5       29-SEP-1985 19:49
                         15/15      24-SEP-1985 18:28
                          8/10       8-OCT-1985 17:07
                         12/15       8-OCT-1985 17:07
                          2/5        8-OCT-1985 17:08
                         30/30      26-OCT-1985 15:47
                         65/65      26-OCT-1985 15:48
                          3/5        7-OCT-1985 19:48
ADULTERY.;1              61/65      16-AUG-1985 16:34
AM1.;1                    2/5       16-JUL-1985 20:28
AM2.;1                    4/10      16-JUL-1985 20:29
AM3.;1                    1/5       16-JUL-1985 20:30
AM4.;1           '         3/5       16-JUL-1985 20:30
AM5.;1                    6/10      16-JUL-1985 20:31
ART1.;1                   1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:32
ART10.;1                  1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:36
ART11.;1                 10/15       9-AUG-1985 21:37
ART12.;1                  2/5        9-AUG-1985 21:38
ART13.;1                  2/5        9-AUG-1985 21:39
ART14.;1                  1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:40
ART15.;1                 30/30       9-AUG-1985 21:40
ART16.;1                  1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:43
ART2.;1                   1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:33
ART4.;1                   1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:34
ART7.;1                   1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:34
ART9.;1                   1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:36
CHRSMSEV.;1              89/90      15-AUG-1985 22:29
CL10.;1                   3/5       16-JUL-1985 21:47
CL2.;1                    1/5       16-JUL-1985 20:38
CL3.;1                    2/5       16-JUL-1985 20:39
CL4.;1                    7/10      16-JUL-1985 20:39
CL5.;1                   15/15      16-JUL-1985 20:41
CL6.;1                    3/5       16-JUL-1985 20:43
CL7.;1                   13/15      16-JUL-1985 20:43
CREDITS.;1                3/5       16-JUL-1985 22:12
ELECTRON.;1               3/5       14-AUG-1985 14:22
F1.;1                     7/10      11-JUL-1985 22:31
F11.;1                   10/15      11-JUL-1985 23:28
F14.;1                    9/10      11-JUL-1985 23:30
F4.;1                     5/10      11-JUL-1985 23:23
F5.;1                    12/15      11-JUL-1985 23:24