A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:
I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.
Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.
A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”
This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.
This post includes the contents of DM1027.DOC dated October 27th, 1985. It appears to be an e-mail reading session. At the top is a list of the messages, who they are from and to, the date and the subject. Below that is the contents of all of the mail. There are 64 messages.
See the previous post here.

dir MAIL # From Date Subject 1 BOS1A::RODM 16-OCT-1985 Read - Set your watch! 2 BOS1A::CABUYS 17-OCT-1985 RE: Read - Set your watch! 3 BOS1A::PRINCESS 19-OCT-1985 hi 4 BOS1A::ELLISCO 19-OCT-1985 ztest 5 BOS1A::CABUYS 19-OCT-1985 RE: hi 6 BOS1A::CABUYS 19-OCT-1985 7 BOS1A::RODM 19-OCT-1985 8 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF 20-OCT-1985 what's new. 9 BOS1A::CABUYS 20-OCT-1985 contest winners' 10 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF 20-OCT-1985 RE: contest winners' 11 BOS1A::CABUYS 20-OCT-1985 I love you!!! 12 BOS1A::CABUYS 20-OCT-1985 reply to WILL1 regarding age question 13 BOS1A::RODM 20-OCT-1985 Please!!!!!!!! 14 BOS1A::CABUYS 20-OCT-1985 RE: Please!!!!!!!! 15 BOS1A::SERVICE 21-OCT-1985 Here is some possibly delayed mail from 16 BOS1A::WIL1 21-OCT-1985 17 BOS1A::PRINCESS 21-OCT-1985 sorry about yesd.terday's talk, 18 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF 21-OCT-1985 reply to letter from arne 19 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF 21-OCT-1985 letter from arne 20 BOS2A::RODM 22-OCT-1985 repeating! 21 BOS2A::RODM 22-OCT-1985 again I must say! 22 BOS2A::RODM 22-OCT-1985 and again! 23 BOS2A::RODM 22-OCT-1985 and AGAIN! 24 BOS2A::RODM 22-OCT-1985 and AGAIN! 25 BOS2A::RODM 22-OCT-1985 one MORE time! 26 BOS1A::CABUYS 23-OCT-1985 explanation 27 BOS1A::CABUYS 23-OCT-1985 next 5 Trivia questions so I don't forge 28 BOS1A::CABUYS 23-OCT-1985 I'm all done now and no longer /gagged! 29 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 you should *always* have mail waiting!!! 30 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 saying it all again 31 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 I repeat 32 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 thisisfun 33 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 i should be working! <grin> 34 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 it's raining <sigh> 35 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 I wish I were there with you!!! 36 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 looking forwardt. to our next *appointme 37 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 wonder howlong I cando this before I get 38 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 I hate this IBM keyboard!! 39 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! -have I told you late 40 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 hope f.subject line'snot too long 41 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 wish I knew how many dmails I've sent!!! 42 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 thank *YOU* for a wonderful lunch!!! 43 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 just being with you makes my day!! 44 BOS1A::CABUYS 25-OCT-1985 oh well - I've l.played longe. enough - 45 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF 25-OCT-1985 ? 46 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 conference transcript 47 BOS1A::RODM 26-OCT-1985 Working on SIG - GREAT! 48 BOS1A::RODM 26-OCT-1985 dumpted! 49 BOS1A::RODM 26-OCT-1985 Don't forget to prepare comments! 50 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 RE: dumpted! 51 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 surprised at my feelings 52 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 RE: Don't forget to prepare comments! 53 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 hi 54 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 special delivery - hope you don't object 55 BOS1A::CABUYS 26-OCT-1985 sig contract 56 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF 26-OCT-1985 RE: sig contract 57 BOS1A::RODM 27-OCT-1985 RE: special delivery - hope you don't ob 58 BOS1A::RODM 27-OCT-1985 Resend! 59 BOS1A::RODM 27-OCT-1985 Special Delivery for you! 60 BOS1A::RODM 27-OCT-1985 Withdrawn - awaiting comments 61 BOS1A::CABUYS 27-OCT-1985 RE: Resend! 62 BOS1A::CABUYS 27-OCT-1985 RE: Resend! 63 BOS1A::CABUYS 27-OCT-1985 RE: Withdrawn - awaiting comments 64 BOS1A::CABUYS 27-OCT-1985 my answer to your forum message MAIL> #1 16-OCT-1985 23:16:46 MAIL Fr om: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,R ODM Subj: Read - Set your watch ! My Darling Conn ie, Set you body clock by this This is a mature discreet adult SIG..... 9 9 ^ 9 | 9 | 9 | | | 9 <-------O 9 9 9 9 9 9 NO sex until 9:00 ! (In other words ... NOW!!!!) MAIL> #2 17-OCT-1985 06:12:04 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: Read - Set your watch! Lover! That's really cute! I want it in the Forum! Do you mind? I love you! counting the hours now! Love, Connie MAIL> #3 19-OCT-1985 16:07:29 MAIL From: BOS1A::PRINCESS To: CABUYS Subj: hi MAIL> #4 19-OCT-1985 17:20:31 MAIL From: BOS1A::ELLISCO "Dick Evans" To: @SIGMGRS.DIS Subj: ztest Everyone on my list of managers & assistants has access to ZTEST now. The flags set are ADE(F)V. Only the assistants have the "F". If I missed anybody let one of us know. If you need other flags, let one of us know. Thanks Peter & Dick (PEABO & ELLISCO) MAIL> #5 19-OCT-1985 22:13:29 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::PRINCESS,CABUYS Subj: RE: hi hi to you too! I really do miss you! Love, Connie MAIL> #6 19-OCT-1985 22:16:07 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: Well as you can see I made it home ok. I had a good cry after we parted - it lasted until I got to Starke. Otherwise trip home was without problems. Feeling kinda down now so not sure if/how long I'll stay on line. By the way, I was able to pick up the radio station until I was just outside of Starke. I love you! Love, Connie MAIL> #7 19-OCT-1985 22:18:08 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: BOS1A::CABUYS,RODM Subj: I know what you mean abt CRY!!! Bk to Co! I LOVE YOU!!!!!! Morthove, Rod MAIL> #8 20-OCT-1985 00:01:34 MAIL From: BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF To: CABUYS,JOHNMYSELF Subj: what's new. think we ought to clean up the what's new corner again. could you take care iof it? thanks. keep in touch Love John MAIL> #9 20-OCT-1985 13:41:46 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS Subj: contest winners' I assume you'll go ahead and send in the checks to Delphi with appropriate notations of the accounts to be credited. You've done a great job with this. Thanks! Love, Connie MAIL> #10 20-OCT-1985 17:31:15 MAIL From: BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF To: BOS1A::CABUYS Subj: RE: contest winners' But of course My love. In fact I have the checks and the letter cut. * * * * * letter * * * * * SLG Associates 61 West Street Hyde Park, Mass., 02136 20 October, 1985 General Videotex Corp. / Delphi 3 Blackstone Street Cambridge, Mass., 02139 Subject: payment(s). Dear Service Rep; Enclosed please find the checks to be applied to accounts as follows: #0101 in the amount of $6.00 to be applied to the account of TIGLON. #0102 in the amount of $4.00 to be applied to the account of FSF. If possible, please itemize this payment on their statements with indication of its source - SLG Associates. Thank you; John P. Yerger, Asst. Manager Close Encounters Sig * * * * * I thought you'ld approve * * * * * KISSES to your neck, arms, breasts, legs, and your sweet warm box. MAIL> #11 20-OCT-1985 17:55:26 MAIL From : BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: I love you!!! The weekend was too perfect. It stills hurts so much to be away from you. I've tried all day to get my mind onto other things, to find something of interest to keep me busy, but it's an impossible task. Your teddy bear kept me company all night long and I haven't done that in ages! I remember all the beautiful things from this weekend and deep down I really feel good and happy about that. But I feel something that's difficult to put into words - something like an overwhelming longing for us to be together, to get on with *our* life, to continue making as many beautiful memories for each other as we possibly can <even when we both know that it can't and won't be *all* so perfect as has been!> Enough of this! I want the feeling that was there when you told me I was *sparkling* to be there now and I don't know how to recapture that. Perhaps - in time..... Until then, I love you and I will always love you! Love, Connie MAIL> #12 20-OCT-1985 21:59:11 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: @MGRS.DIS,CABUYS Subj: reply to WILL1 regarding age question Willie, According to the membership agreement, this sig is open to those over the age of 18. There are a variety of reasons behind this decision. I personally have no objection to your being there. However I do have a contract with Delphi that says the sig is for those over 18. What I plan to do, if there is enough interest expressed by those under 18, is to set up several sections in the sig that will be for them only. We would need someone of that age group to sort of manage that section. That someone would have to understand that I am the sig manager <in other words, the boss!><smile> and it would be up to that section manager to keep things moving in the forum as well as try to get as many eligible members into the sig for that section. Until that is established, I have no choice but to abide by the terms of my contract with Delphi, which says that if I discover someone under the age of 18, I restrict their access to the sig. Your age was discovered by the Profile you posted. I don't doubt your intelligence or knowledge. Unfortunately that can't change things right now. If you are interested in running a section for those under 18, please let me know. I would also need to know the following: 1. The user names of 20 people currently on line under the age of 18 who tell you they are interested in supporting such a section within this sig. 2. What name you would like to give to the section. 3. Six words that identify the section: examples could be - Under 18, kids only, teenagers, terms like that. 4. I would need a list of topics that you would post within the forum section for discussion by your group with examples of the first messages written out, ready to post. 5. After I had this, I would have to get in touch with Delphi's sig administrator and have him make the necessary changes within the sig here for the new section, etc. If you are not interested in running the section and know someone who is, please have them contact me. Thank you. -Connie <cabuys>, Close Encounters Sig Manager MAIL> #13 20-OCT-1985 22:51:02 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: Please!!!!!!!! Darling why cant I send to you!!!??????? YOU PROMISED NEVER TO GAG!!!!!! Love Rod MAIL> #14 20-OCT-1985 22:52:07 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: Please!!!!!!!! Honey, I did *not* break my promise to you! I was in Workspace, UPLOADing a file and the /gag is automatic. sigh. Love, Connie MAIL> #15 21-OCT-1985 19:21:23 MAIL From: BOS1A::SERVICE To: CABUYS Subj: Here is some possibly delayed mail from Sunday evening, 13-October. From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" 13-OCT-1985 19:34 To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: survey Darling, as soon as I can, I will post the survey since I did not get to ask the questions during the conference. I love you! Love, Connie From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" 13-OCT-1985 19:20 To: BOS1A::JOEY,CABUYS Subj: RE: Whereabouts Thanks, Joey! Don't work too hard and do have a wonderful vacation! <hugs> -Connie From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" 13-OCT-1985 19:33 To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: missed again! Sweetheart, I do wish you had called me at the office. I miss you so much and want to hear your voice! I got up at 8 AM on Sat., took a jacket to be altered, took the car thru the car wash, then got to work about 10 am. I was able to get most of what I wanted to accomplish done, but when my boss came in around noon, there was a lot of interruption in his efforts to "help" me with something. sigh. I left the office and got home about 4:30, bringing a *lot* of work home with me to do on the computer here. I worked on that until 3 minutes before conference time, then logged on for the conference. I sent to John that you had left me a list of questions for the conference. Then I made an open comment to the same effect. Both comments were ignored and I was so aggravated with him and so exhausted it was all I could do to stay til the end of the conference. He just seemed so unaware that I had said something about your questions twice - and I wish I knew why he was so distracted at that particular time. I got up at 8 AM Sunday, took laundry to the laundromat, naturally had to have trouble with two of the machines which weren't working right which caused me to be there longer than I had hoped. I brought the wet laundry home to dry, then had to go to the ATM, Zayre's to pick up some things, to grocery store for Cokes, and filled the car up with gas. For some time now, I've been looking for a place that I could use to teach Dennis how to drive. I found such a place when I was returning home from the errands. As soon as we had put stuff away, I told Dennis to get ready to go with me but would not tell him where we were going! <i'm learning to be like you!><grin> He was so curious! We got there and I pulled up, stopped the car, and asked him what he knew about driving. He always told me he knew how but once on the spot the truth came out. Anyway he had his first driving lesson which lasted about an hour before we returned home. He did quite well actually and we both felt great about it! Sunday's will probably be on the only time we can use this area but that should do for a while. I can't believe I actually did this! Do you have any idea what that means to me?!?!?! Then I returned to working on stuff from the office since Delphi was not up and running. sigh. I had planned to do so much on line today but it will now have to wait. I'm rapidly approaching the po int of total exhaustion! I love you and miss you so much! I even tried once to call the office hoping you would be there. sigh. I can only hope that you can call soon! I love you!!!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #16 21-OCT-1985 19:53:53 MAIL From: BOS1A::WIL1 To: CABUYS Subj: Well, maybe, but I will just do the same thing in the sig me and my freiends are making, it will be out soon, if you are 20 arourr over, you can not be in it . (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!) I hope you are happy! Bye, Wililie (WIL1) p.s. nice of you! MAIL> #17 21-OCT-1985 19:59:20 MAIL From: BOS1A:: PRINCESS To: CABUYS Subj: sorry about yesd terday's talk, was most uncomfortable conversation I have had with you in a long time. I wguess we will get used to it, but is hard not sharing things with you. <sigh> love, Peggy <hugs> MAIL> #18 21-OCT-1985 21:12:50 MAIL From: BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF To: CABUYS Subj: reply to letter from arne Actually, I was a bit at fault in not simply letting the matter ride. However, a simple number would have been preferred. As for the age limit, we well know the problems in that regard but are none the less responsible for seeing that 'to the best of our abilities' we enforce them. Why bother? Very simple. If we fail to make the attempt, then we can have trouble from those parents who don't want 'us' exposing their kids to (possibly) sexually related material. It could become a problem. Of course we should be on speaking terms. Damn poor sig manager I'ld be if I let something so trivial interfere with members and their abilities to communicate. (especially with the management). MAIL> #19 21-OCT-1985 21:13:32 MAIL From: BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF To: CABUYS Subj: letter from arne From: BOS1A::ARNE 21-OCT-1985 20:55 To: JOHNMYSELF Subj: age ~GGee, John, this has really gotten out of hand. On that infamous noghtight it wasn't my intention to antagonize anyone -- I honestly (if misguidedly) thought my jokes about age were at leaast mildly amusing, and was stunned when y'all took such a hard-liner approach to the matter. Naturally I was hurt at being snubbed, and dashed off a couple of irate letters-to-the- editor, but all this public apologies stuff -- well, it's just so unnecessary. As far as age limits in the sig , well the present set-up has y'all trying to enforce rules which any reasonably intelligent 11-year-old could circumvene, so why bother? I hope we're at least approaching speaking terms. -- Arenne MAIL> #20 22-OCT-1985 04:05:45 MAIL From: BOS2A::RODM To: CABUYS Subj: repeating! From: BOS1A::RODM 1-OCT-1985 00:07 To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: Love send My Beloved Darling Connie, Here I go again!, but this poem is OBVIOUSLY a PRIVATE one!: At first there was only a few words on a screen, And even those were only occasionally seen. Then I sent questions of panic on the phone. Oh how could I have possibly known, That after meeting face to face, My heart would pound at such a pace, And that a person who was once a curiousity, Would become the focus of my very destiny. Love and life have shown me what now must be my destiny, And what endless love and happiness will soon be given to me. But there are yet some commitments and decisions to be made, And some pain and prices to be paid. When all of that is finished and done, A love lasting the rest of my life will be won. I know you are feeling the pain of waiting, But our life together will be worth the getting. I cannot now be all you would have me to be, But when that day comes you will have ALL of me! Darling, I risk such enormous pain for both of us in refering to these things but I can no longer deny my feelings although I don't know if it will be by discovery or resolve that these things will come to be but I admit and await our destiny!!! With all of me I love you, Rod MAIL> #21 22-OCT-1985 04:07:07 MAIL From: BOS2A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: again I must say! IIIIII LLLLLL OOOO VV VV EEEEEEEE II LL OOOOOO VV VV EE II LL OO OO VV VV EE II LL OO OO VV VV EEEE II LL OO OO VV VV EE II LL LL OOOOOO VVVV EE IIIIII LLLLLLLLLL OOOO VV EEEEEEEE YYYYY YYYYY OOOO UUUU UUUU YY YY OOOOOO UU UU YY YY OO OO UU UU YY YY OO OO UU UU YYYY OO OO UU UU YY OO OO UU UU YY OOOOOO UUUUUU YYYYYY OOOO UUUU MAIL> #22 22-OCT-1985 04:08:20 MAIL From: BOS2A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: and again! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! OVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! U ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! I LOVE YOU ! MAIL> #23 22-OCT-1985 04:09:48 MAIL From: BOS2A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: and AGAIN! >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< MAIL> #24 22-OCT-1985 04:11:06 MAIL From: BOS2A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: and AGAIN! >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< MAIL> #25 22-OCT-1985 04:11:40 MAIL From: BOS2A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: one MORE time! >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I LOVE YOU <<<<<<<<<< MAIL> #26 23-OCT-1985 17:55:55 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: explanation Sweetheart, Don't be upset with me if you come in and find me on line and /gagged. I'm trying very hard to catch up on capturing the forum to disk. Last message in file you captured is 165 which means I have a lot to do! <grin> I love you!!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #27 23-OCT-1985 18:22:04 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS Subj: next 5 Trivia questions so I don't forget! 1. On average, how many pelvic thrusts does a man deliver during intercourse? 2. According to the Kinsey Report, during what activity do some individuals become unconscious for a matter of seconds or even for some minutes? 3. What is the most successful porno file of all time? 4. What famous hooker said: "My method is basically the same as Masters and Johnson, only when they charge thousands of dollars it's called therapy. I charge $50 and it's called prostitution." 5. How many people are involved in a "menage a cinq">? Answers ======= 1. 50-100 2. orgasm 3. Deep Throat 4. Xaviera Hollander 5. Five MAIL> #28 23-OCT-1985 18:23:37 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: I'm all done now and no longer /gagged! and I love you very, very much!!!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #29 25-OCT-1985 14:37:48 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: ROD M,CABUYS Subj: you should *always* have mail waiting!!! <grin> Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #30 25-OCT-1985 14:38:00 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: saying it all again Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #31 25-OCT-1985 14:38:13 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: I repeat Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #32 25-OCT-1985 14:38:27 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: thisisfun Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #33 25-OCT-1985 14:38:42 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: i should be working! <grin> Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #34 25-OCT-1985 14:38:57 MAIL From: BOS1A ::CABUYS "CONN IE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: it's raining <s igh> Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #35 25-OCT-1985 14:39:34 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: I wish I were there with you!!! Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #36 25-OCT-1985 14:40:02 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: looking forwardt to our next *appointment* !!!!! Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #37 25-OCT-1985 14:40:40 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: wonder howlong I cando this before I get caught?!?!?! <grin> Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #38 25-OCT-1985 14:40:54 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: I hate this IBM keyboard!! Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #39 25-OCT-1985 14:41:16 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! -have I told you lately that I love you!?!?!?! Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #40 25-OCT-1985 14:41:32 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: hope fsubject line'snot too long Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #41 25-OCT-1985 14:41:53 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: wish I knew how many dmails I've sent!!! <giggle> Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #42 25-OCT-1985 14:42:16 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: thank *YOU* for a wonderful lunch!!! Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #43 25-OCT-1985 14:42:33 MAIL From: BOS1A:: CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RO DM,CABUYS Subj: just being with you makes my day!! Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #44 25-OCT-1985 14:42:55 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: oh well - I've lplayed longe enough - back to work Sweetheart, I love you!!! Love, Connie MAIL> #45 25-OCT-1985 22:18:58 MAIL From: BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF To: CABUYS Subj: ? Roses are red, Violets are blue; Can't wait to get you in bed, and make sweet love to you. Licking you in all the warm wet places. MAIL> #46 26-OCT-1985 12:43:05 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS Subj: conference transcript Lover, while you and I make sweet passionate love <smile>, do you think yoyu could also upload the transcript of the *second* conference on sexual positions to me so I could edit and submit to database? Love, Connie MAIL> #47 26-OCT-1985 14:47:26 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: Working on SIG - GREAT! My DELICOUS Darling Connie, I can tell you are working on the sig 'cause I can't send! I wait patiently and anxiously!!! I LOVE YOUY !!!!!!!!!!! Love, Rod MAIL> #48 26-OCT-1985 16:19:42 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: dumpted! My Beloved Darling Connie, I was dumped by call-waiting and after answering the call and logging on you both <you and john> were gone! If you haven't already you {_need to call John and talk to him there is something very wrong there! I hope I am wrong but I don't think so!!!! PLEASE let me know what you find out when you talk to him !!! He obvious ly is also chasing your body!!! !!!! <but i'm afraid there is more!> Until our next contact my Darling!!!! Love, Rod MAIL> #49 26-OCT-1985 16:33:10 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS Subj: Don't forget to prepare comments! From: BOS1A::RODM 6-OCT-1985 15:03 To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: list My Dear Connie, The last couple of conferences have dealt with sexual positions and I have followed the discussions very closely but for several reasons could not put my thoughts and experiences together concisely enough nor can I enter data fast enough or even tell it to you fast enough to keep up with the pace of the conferences so I am formulating several lists and messages which might via the forum or articles be of help to the SIG, its conferences, or its membership in the future discussions. The first of these is the following list of coital positions that I have experienced with varying degrees of success. This list does not contain positions for oral sex, anal sex, mutual masterbation, or manual / digital <finger not computer> stimulation, nor does it include the advantages or disadvatages of the positions listed but if I can develope the courage all of those lists and references will soon follow. I hope that when seen this list will make everyone aware that the positions are variations and many of them are actually very common, others in the list are NOT real common and usually are related to some event, occassion, or circumstance. Afterall Life itself is filled with variations and often those variations are the beauties, treasures, or 'flowers' of life! ENOUGH!! - Now the List!: Position Woman's Position Man's Position Relative Positions ________ ______________________ _____________________ __________________ 1 Lying on back Horizontal above Face to face 2 " " " " " " " " " " Opposite(Head-toe) 3 " " " side Beside Face to face 4 " " " " " " (Forming 'X') Back to face 5 " " / kneeling over Kneeling Man behind Woman 6 Sitting/Kneeling atop Lying on back Facing 7 " " " " " " " " " " Woman facing away 8 Squatting over " " " " Facing 9 " " " " " " " " Woman facing away 10 Sitting on Man Sitting(leaning back) Facing (man can reach woman) 11 " " " " " " Woman facing away 12 Squatting over " " " " " " " " 13 " " " " " " Facing 14 Leaning onto table Standing Man behind Woman 15 Lying on table " " Man facing Woman (holding her legs) 16 Leaning over low back " " Man behind Woman chair or arm of couch 17 Standing (leaning back) " " (leaning back) Facing 18 " " (leaning forward) " " Man behind Woman Note: Positions 17 & 18 are limited but what a way to end a mutual shower!! MAIL> #50 26-OCT-1985 20:03:27 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: dumpted! Sweetheart, It was difficult for me to talk anyway when you and John were on line but only because Chuck kept wondering in and out of the room. sigh. I called John just a little while ago. Peg is away this weekend <she had not told me about this because we don't talk stu>; also last night some kids egged his house and car and put dirt into gas tank of car. I should have realized that Peg was away - that's when he always comes on to me or as you say "chasing my body". Unfortunately I was quickly informed that I had called at not too good a time because it was time for 'Airwolf' on TV. oh well. Rod, I love them both very much, but obviously they can't be there for me when I need them and I can't be there for them if/when they need me. I value their friendship very very much, yet see that I'm losing it and I don't really know how to recover it. Guess we'll <you and i> will be talking soon about this again. Love, Connie MAIL> #51 26-OCT-1985 20:07:21 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: surprised at my feelings Sweetheart, This is going to sound very strange and it's not something I want you to make a big fuss over but if I tell you about it it will help me to deal with it. Strange as it seems, I feel rejection just because John acted as tho watching Airwolf on TV was more important than talking to me. He said we could talk later tonight or tomorrow and I agreed, but I *really* wanted to talk then. Am I being foolish? selfish? inconsiderate of him? or what? Am I going to feel the same way when you have something to do at a time when I want to talk to you? I certainly hope not! I don't like the way I feel right now! But I do know one thing - I love you very very much! Love, Connie MAIL> #52 26-OCT-1985 20:18:13 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: Don't forget to prepare comments! Here goes, Sweetheart! #1 - my favorite because of the "protected" feeling it gives me- however with you and I, I am always concerned about the pain you may feel. #2 - sounds interesting enough but I just can't picture it - very will to give it a try tho. #3 - never experienced this but willing to try #4 - I think you know how I feel about this one! <grin> #5 - *if* this is one we tried before, I want very much to try it again! <grin> #6 - would take a lot of work to get me ready for this one, dear. #7 - same as #6 #8 - same as #6 #9 - kinda like floating around in the water, huh? <grin> can't imagine us doing it but wish we could! #10 - wish we could try this too #11 - willing to give this a try once or twice before I can say much more about it #12 - same as #11 #14 13 - same as #11 #14 - definitely willing to try this and soon! #15 - not really interested in trying this - I don't trust the table to hold the weight. #16 - same as #14 #17 - don't think I'd handle this very well at all. #18 - same as #17 <how long will it take for these comments to come back 'haunt' me?><grin> I love you! Love, Connie MAIL> #53 26-OCT-1985 20:25:16 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: PRINCESS,CABUYS Subj: hi Dear Peggy, I had planned to call you this weekend for a long chat but for obvious reasons can't. I am so very sorry that we are both so uncomfortable with each other these days that we can no longer share what is important to us. If I am being too sensitive or selfish about this, please forgive me. We were always able to talk things out together before this. I really do need to do that now. I also need to talk about Rod, to share with you and John both about what is going on in my life. But I can't do that either, until you and I have this behind us. I really want you to know that I still care very much about you and that we are still friends. I do miss you so!! Love, Connie MAIL> #54 26-OCT-1985 21:08:14 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: special delivery - hope you don't object! 305 26-OCT 21:06 Open Forum sex positions & me From: CABUYS To: ALL This is a tough one for me to share, but I'm going to give it my best. The conferences we've had here on sexual positions have lead to a lot of discussion between my lover and I, as well as some experimenting. He has tactfully pointed out to me that I don't like certain positions because I don't want to be put into the position of having to be the one responsible for the success of such. Although I've presented him with a number of reasons why certain positions don't work for me or appeal to me, he's sure it is because of my lack of confidence. He's also very sure that we will work together to overcome this. What I'd like to hear from others here is why you *don't* like certain positions or why they don't work for you? (Honestly, I'm not looking for *new* reasons to add to my list, but it would be comforting to know that others might have similar likes/dislikes or problems.) Anyone willing to give this a try? r MAIL> #55 26-OCT-1985 21:10:50 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS Subj: sig contract John, Did you ever get our copy of the signed contract back from Kelly before her departure from Delphi? If not, I'd like to get it ASAP. If so, would you send me a copy please? Thanks, lover! Love, Connie MAIL> #56 26-OCT-1985 21:11:53 MAIL From: BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF To: BOS1A::CABUYS,JOHNMYSELF Subj: RE: sig contract will check but don't recall getting anything back. will check into it Monday if not. kiss MAIL> #57 27-OCT-1985 01:18:31 MAIL From: BOS1A: :RODM To: BOS1A::CABUYS,RODM Subj: RE: special delivery - hope you don't object! My Beloved DELICOUS Darling Connie, I hope this message brings you many viewpoints and some answers to your question s By this message I mean the one you posted in the forum about sexual positions. The one thing that your message said that I didn't realize and I hope I can correct is that I referred to your inconfidence but I didn't mean you to think that I thought that the other reasons you give are not valid ones I agree that they are but I thought the MAIN reason was the fear on your part about having th e 'principle' role. If I conveyed to you that I thought you lack of confidence was the only reason then I am 'undermining' your confidence and not helping it and I would NEVER wan t to do that!!! I do think that whatever you would like for us to try together we can do!!!! I wrote this on-line and made a mess - I will edit and resend it! My Darling I love you so very VERY much and want more than anything YOUR happiness and pleasure in ALL that we do!!!! Love, Rod MAIL> #58 27-OCT-1985 01:50:54 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: Resend! My Beloved DELICOUS Darling Connie, I hope this message brings you many viewpoints and some answers to your questions. By this message I mean the one you posted in the forum about sexual positions. The one thing that your message said that I didn't realize and I hope I can correct is that I referred to your inconfidence but I didn't mean you to think that I thought that the other reasons you give are not valid ones I agree that they are but I thought the MAIN reason was the fear on your part about having the 'principle' role. If I conveyed to you that I thought you lack of confidence was the only reason then I am 'undermining' your confidence and not helping it and I would NEVER want to do that!!! I do think that whatever you would like for us to try together we can do!!!! I wrote this on-line and made a mess - I will edit and resend it! My Darling I love you so very VERY much and want more than anything YOUR happiness and pleasure in ALL that we do!!!! Love, Rod MAIL> #59 27-OCT-1985 02:22:44 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: Special Delivery for you! 308 27-OCT 02:16 Open Forum RE: sex positions & me (Re: Msg 305) From: RODM To: CABUYS (NR) WOW! You are presenting a chalanging question! I guess the first thing that comes to mind that I would share is that anything as intimate as sexual positions must be the mutual adventure of BOTH partners and never be something imposed by one on the other. The next thing is that whatever objection one partner has to a particular sexual position, act, or anything shared that objection should be recognized as a valid one and that objection answered by BOTH and an agreement hopefully reached! Now for the question as to positions NOT liked. I am going to NOT be specific but say that there several positions I find unfavor able for reasons of discomfort, <physical and psychological> not expressive of love and passion, or just not possible for me to perform! In all of the cases above I feel justified in my objections and trust my partner will be respective of my objections. In my history such objections were sometimes NOT respected and that can cause something that may be between or a combination of humiliation and pain to my person or ego. I hope I NEVER cause that discomfort for my Love! I hope that posses some answer or support for you and anyone else. Rodm MAIL> #60 27-OCT-1985 03:53:53 MAIL From: BOS1A::RODM To: CABUYS,RODM Subj: Withdrawn - awaiting comments My Beloved C Re, I deleted my message from the forum because I was afraid it might be taken as a rebutal and that can not be!! After you read my comment let me know how appropiate you think my comment is to be placed in the forum. Love, Rod MAIL> #61 27-OCT-1985 08:20:54 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: Resend! Honey, You have in no way undermined my confidence. If you had, that particular message would never have been posted. Granted, I know me well enough to know that I lack confidence in a lot of areas but since you've entered my life, my confidence has increased in so many ways that I'm not even sure you understand all the changes that have occurred within me! I was so worried about posting that message, thinking that you might object because I had taken something very personal and intimate between us and "gone public" with it. I hoped that I had worded the message in the right way to convey only the fear I have of being in the 'principle' role. And you did hit the nail square on the head when you made that observation! And I've acknowledged it. So with your loving help, we overcome, right? <smile> I do love you so very, very much! Love, Connie MAIL> #62 27-OCT-1985 08:22:27 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: Resend! Sweetheart, I almost forgot one thing - the reason I posted the message is not so much as whether *I* can get some answers, as much as it is hoping to help others realize they may be faced with something similar. Love, Connie MAIL> #63 27-OCT-1985 08:24:20 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS Subj: RE: Withdrawn - awaiting comments Darling, Please re-enter your message in the forum for me. I love you! Love, Connie P.S. The next message to you is what I plan to answer your message with when you've re-entered it. Ok? I love you! MAIL> #64 27-OCT-1985 08:31:57 MAIL From: BOS1A::CABUYS "CONNIE" To: RODM,CABUYS Subj: my answer to your forum message I've been very lucky! My partner and I have the mutual respect and love for each other that allows us to talk about *EVERYTHING* including our deepest feelings about the mutual adventure we are sharing. Love, support, understanding and communication between lovers is so important but too often we get so wrapped up in other things that this all gets put on hold. In this particular incident I have to admit that I *thought* I was doing very well in keeping the real reason for objecting to various positions well hidden. You can imagine my shock when his comment hit the nail square on the head! Now that I've acknowledged the real reason, he and I can go on together to hopefully overcome this. MAIL> No more messages MAIL>