A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:
I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.
Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.
A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”
This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of XFLAGS.DOC. There are no dates but this is likely from some time in 1985. It contains a list of members of the “Close Encounters” SIG (presumably) that have the ‘X’ flag as well as a log of some members being deleted from the SIG. Flags represented permissions though I’m not sure what the ‘X’ flag represents specifically. With this file, we’ve finally reached the end of this disk.
See the previous post here.
fl Search through membership list for flags Enter Flag you would like to search: x Username: ADRIANSEGAR Flags: X Name: adrian Username: ARLEQUINO Flags: X Name: LANGSTON GOREE Username: AXLROD Flags: X Name: david Username: BERTUS Flags: X Name: SMITH Username: CRICHMOND Flags: X Name: Charles Richmond Username: DOUBLEVIRGO Flags: X Name: Steve Bartholomew Username: EDT Flags: X Name: edwin togami Username: EXPOFICINA85 Flags: X Name: Username: FALSOFT Flags: X Name: DAVID Username: FDAVID Flags: X Name: FDAVID Username: GPAINC Flags: X Name: TOM Username: HAL10000 Flags: X Name: Username: HBSAPKON Flags: X Name: B. Fay Username: JOHNTORONTO Flags: X Name: PEGGY HUGHES Username: JRT1212 Flags: X Name: JOHNNIE TURNER Username: KB6HFQ Flags: X Name: LARRY Username: KEENE Flags: X Name: JO Username: LCOSTA Flags: X Name: larry Username: METHMAN Flags: X Name: BOB Username: MICROFIRM Flags: X Name: bob Username: PARAGUAY Flags: X Name: Santiago Username: RGP3 Flags: X Name: Roy Perham Username: RICKL Flags: X Name: RICK Username: SIMO Flags: X Name: Rick Username: SJPECK Flags: X Name: STEWART Username: STARDUST Flags: X Name: JOHN Username: STGEORGE Flags: X Name: DAVID WILKINS Username: TVMAN Flags: X Name: fred Username: VENTURADOC Flags: X Name: beau Username: WHIT Flags: X Name: THOMAS WHITFIELD Username: ZE Flags: X Name: John End of File. SM*MEMBERS> delete Delete a Member from this Sig ! a CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! d Username to DELETE: riansegar You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> delete arle^H^H^H^H^H Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: arlequino You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> del Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: axlrod You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> del bDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: ertus You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> de c Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! r Username to DELETE: ichmond You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)d^Hy That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: doublevirgo You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y d That person has been deleted. e SM*MEMBERS> dDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: t You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d eDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! x Username to DELETE: poficina85 You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! f Username to DELETE: alsoft You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y d fThat person has been deleted. d SM*MEMBERS> avid Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: y You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y Member you requested to Delete was, not found in your Membership records. SM*MEMBERS> delete fDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! d a Username to DELETE: vid You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: gpainc You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! h CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! a l Username to DELETE: 10000 You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! h CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: bsapkon You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d jDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! o Username to DELETE: hntoronto You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. d SM*MEMBERS> j Delete a Member from this Sig ! r CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! t Username to DELETE: 12312^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H12 You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d kb^H^H Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: kb6hfq You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! k CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! ee Username to DELETE: ne You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d lcosta Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: d You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)n Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: lcosta You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d m Delete a Member from this Sig ! e CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! t h Username to DELETE: man You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y d That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> Delete a Member from this Sig ! mi CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! c Username to DELETE: rofirm You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. d SM*MEMBERS> pDelete a Member from this Sig ! a CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! r Username to DELETE: aguay You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y d That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> rDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! g Username to DELETE: p3 You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d rDelete a Member from this Sig ! i CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: ckl You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d si Delete a Member from this Sig ! m CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! o Username to DELETE: You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: sjpeck You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y d stThat person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! a Username to DELETE: rdust You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d Delete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! Username to DELETE: stgeorge You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> d tDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! v Username to DELETE: man You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y That person has been deleted. d SM*MEMBERS> vDelete a Member from this Sig ! e CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! n Username to DELETE: turadoc You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y dThat person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> w hDelete a Member from this Sig ! i CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! t Username to DELETE: You can delete anybody Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N)y dThat person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> zDelete a Member from this Sig ! CTRL/Z OR CTRL/C TO ABORT !!! e Username to DELETE: You can delete anybody y Sure you want to delete this ?(Y/N) That person has been deleted. SM*MEMBERS> fl Search through membership list for flags Enter Flag you would like to search: ^Z