Console: Sega Genesis;
Year: 1992;
Story: “April O’Neil is reporting from Ellis Island when, in a sudden flash of light, her audience and herself witness Manhattan Island suddenly starting to shrink. Shredder then hijacks the airwaves and announces to the world that this was only a demonstration of the power of the Hyperstone, the treasure of Dimension X. With the Hyperstone in his possession, he now has the power to take over the world. The Turtles have no choice but to go after Shredder and stop him.”
Gameplay: this is a beat em up game, so expect a lot kicking and punching. You can play as any of the four turtles, and you can switch character during the game (everytime you get a Game Over). As you can expect, each character has their advantages and disavantages, just like another TMNT game. There’s some temporary power-ups in the game. Sadly, this is a very small game so there isn’t much for you to find.
Graphics: I think it looks decent. It has that cartoon-ish look that you can expect from a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game.
Soundtrack: it’s fun and cheery. I like it.
Final Thoughts: this is a fun little game for everyone who likes Beat Em Up type of games, or fans of the TMNT show. As I mentioned before, I’m very picky, in terms of beat em up games, and I had some fun with this one. Overall, I will give this game an 8 out of 10, just because it’s such a short game and you can beat it really quickly.
PS: I do not own the footage of these gifs. The content of these gifs are from a Youtube video. Click HERE, if you want to check out the source.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist is essentially TMNT: Turtles in Time remade for the Sega Genesis. The controls are mostly the same, the gameplay is essentially unchanged, though the levels are somewhat different. There are five levels and they are a combination of new levels made for this game and others based on Turtles in Time and the original TMNT arcade game.
Between the two, the Super Nintendo version is really the better version. More colorful graphics, smoother animation and it’s neat being able to fling your enemies towards the screen. Having said that, there’s nothing wrong with the Genesis version and if you are looking for more of the same style game play as Turtles in Time then Hyperstone Heist is a good choice (assuming you have a Genesis of course). The reverse is true also. Hyperstone Heist only had about half the levels of Turtles in Time but they were much longer levels. The speed at difficulty level in Hyperstone Heist was a bit higher.
Both Hyperstone Heist and Turtles in Time were released by Konami in 1992. The arcade version of Turtles in Time has seen re-releases as a bonus in TMNT 3: Mutant Nightmare for the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. In 2009 a 3D remake was released via Xbox Live and the PS3 PlayStation Network. I’m not aware of any remakes or re-releases specifically of Hyperstone Heist. The images above are from Hyperstone Heist on the Sega Genesis.