Commodore Microcomputers – September/October 1984


Commodore Microcomputers – September October 1984

Commodore Microcomputers was an official Commodore publication that covered all of Commodore’s computers. In the September/October 1984 issue that included the Commodore 64, VIC-20, as well as the CBM, PET and SuperPET lines. The contents of this issue includes:


  • The Quest for Enhanced Productivity: Commodore Meets the Challenge – This article covers the various productivity software produced by Commodore. This includes the built-in software suite of the Plus/4, a spreadsheet program (Easy Calc), a financial package called Easy Finance, automatic spell correcting software called Easy Spell, home accounting software (Silent Butler), a business accounting software package (General Ledger), and graph creating software called B/Graph.
  • Easy Script is Easy – A beginner’s guide to Easy Script, Commodore’s word processing software for the Commodore 64.
  • Four Word Processors for the Commodore 64 – A comparison of four word process for the Commodore 64, including Bank Street Writer, Cut and Paste, Word Manager, and Super-Text
  • Databases – An overview of the various database software available for Commodore computers and their features.
  • Spreadsheets: Number Processing with Multiplan and Practicalc – An overview of two spreadsheet programs available for the Commodore 64, Multiplan and Practicalc.
  • Productivity Software for Commodore Computers: A Complete List – It says ‘complete’ and I would take their word for it. A brief overview of dozens of spreadsheet, database, finance and word processing programs for various Commodore computers.

Using Your Computer

  • Business – An article about using Commodore computers to help run a small city.
  • Education – An overview of four educational software programs including a program teaching division (Frenzy), a geometry program (Flip Flop), a program providing addition and multiplication practice (Gulp), and a program teaching directionality (Arrow Graphics).
  • Travel – An article discussing the perils, pitfalls and challenges of international travel with a computer.

Understanding Your Computer

  • Programmer’s Tips
    • Random Thoughts, Part 7: Fun and Games – Discussing the use of random number in gaming and in audio/video demos.
    • Cassette Files for PET/CBM – A program for creating files on cassettes written for the Commodore 8032.
    • Two High-Res Screen Dumps for the 64 – Two different programs (for different printers) to print out graphics saved with LOGO, KoalaPad or saved with standard Kernel routines.
    • Kaleidoscope for the PET and Commodore 64 – This type-in program generates a constantly changing kaleidoscope display on your Commodore 64 or PET.
  • Technical Tips
    • Prime Numbers – A program for estimating the number of prime numbers between 1 and 1000.
    • Adding a Hex Keypad to Your PET/CBM – Instructions for constructing a Hex based keypad for your Commodore.
    • Inverse Trigonometric Functions – A program using inverse trigonometric functions to calculate distance.
  • 64 Users Only
    • Screen Box Data Display Routines – Code to add input and output data boxes to your own programs.
    • Memory Loader/Saver for the Commodore 64 – A program for saving different sections of Commodore 64 memory to disk.
    • Appending Machine Code Routines to Your BASIC Programs for the 64 – A program for easily adding machine code subroutines to your BASIC Commodore 64 programs.
  • PET/CBM Users Only: Line Formatting – A tool for making your program listings easier to read.
  • SuperPET Users Only: SuperPET Potpourri – Using loops and other programming tips for the SuperPET.


  • Hardware: HesModem I – Review of a 300 baud modem for the Commodore 64 and VIC 20.
  • Software
    • Database Manager – Review of a rather generically named database management program for the Commodore 64.
    • Tool 64 – A tool for programming that adds more BASIC commands as well as various editing and debugging utilities.
    • Write Now! – Review of a simple word processing program for the Commodore 64.


  • Letters – Letters about cryptography and VIC 20s used in hospitals among other topics.
  • Editor’s Notes – Coverage of the June 1984 Consumer Electronics Show.
  • Industry News – An article about the expected massive growth in software (sales not size though both had massive growth).
  • User Groups – A list of Commodore related user groups throughout the country.
  • That Does Not Compute – Correcting mistakes in past issues.
  • Advertisers’ Index

One Response to Commodore Microcomputers – September/October 1984

  1. Commodore Microcomputers was an official Commodore publication and covered all of their computers. In the September/October 1984 issue that included the Commodore 64, VIC-20, and the CBM, PET and SuperPET lines. The contents of this issue includes:


    Easy Script is Easy
    Four Word Processors for the Commodore 64
    Spreadsheets: Number Processing with Multiplan and Practicalc

    Using Your Computer

    Education: Kids Learn with Frenchy/Flip Flop, Gulp and Arrow Graphics
    Understanding Your Computer

    Programmer’s Tips: Random Thoughts, Part 7: Fun and Games

    Cassette Files for PET/CBM
    Two High-Res Screen Dumps for the 64
    Kaleidoscope for the PET and Commodore 64

    Technical Tips

    Prime Numbers
    Adding a Hex Keypad to Your PET/CBM
    Inverse Trigonometric Functions

    64 Users Only

    Screen Box Data Display Routines
    Memory Loader/Saver for the Commodore 64
    Appending Machine Code Routines to Your BASIC Programs for the 64

    PET/CBM Users Only

    Line Formatting

    SuperPET Users Only

    SuperPET Potpourri


    Hardware: HesModem I
    Software: Database Manager, Tool 64, Write Now!

    …and more!