GamePro (June 1993)


Source: GamePro – Issue Number 47 – June 1993

At 164 pages, the June 1993 had to be somewhere near the peak for GamePro and there were a lot of systems to cover then. 8-bit systems were still being covered (the NES), 16-bit systems were being covered, CD based add-ons were being covered and multiple portables among other things. This issue includes:

  • Letters from the GamePros – GamePros’s monthly editorial. This month the subject is Virtual Reality.
  • The Mail – Letters from readers about virtual reality, mystery zones in Sonic 2, fear for the future of the NES, video game violence and more.
  • Cutting Edge – Article about the Hornet-1 F/A-18 Hornet flight simulator used by pilots.
  • Hot at the Arcades – Focusing on Capcom’s Slam Masters with inevitable comparisons to Street Fighter 2.
  • Special Feature – Covering all things Battletoads related including Battletoads/Double Dragon for the NES, Battletoads on the Game Boy plus other media such as the Double Dragon and Battletoads comics and the Double Dragon animated series.
  • Special Feature: Ecco the Dolphin Strategy Guide, Part 2 – Part 2 of a strategy guide for Ecco the Dolphin on the Sega Genesis.
  • Special Feature: Yoshi’s Cookies – A look at a Yoshi themed puzzle game for both the Super Nintendo, NES and Game Boy.
Table of Contents for the June 1993 issue of GamePro
  • ProReviews – GamePro’s review section covering the Genesis, Sega CD, Super NES, NES, Turbo Duo/TurboGrafx-16, Game Boy and Game Gear. Games Reviewed inlude Rolling Thunder 3 (Genesis), Sorcerer’s Kingdom (Genesis), Jeopardy (Genesis), Championship Pro-Am (Genesis), Chase HQ II (Genesis), The Terminator (Sega CD), Batman Returns (Sega CD), WWF: Royal Rumble (SNES), Aliens vs. Predator (SNES), Super Widget (SNES), Run Saber (SNES), The Addams Family: Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (SNES), Cool World (SNES), Sonic Blast Man (SNES), Super James Pond (SNES), Mario Is Missing! (SNES), Kawasaki Challenge (SNES), Lethal Weapon (SNES), Bignose Freaks Out (NES), SimEarth (Turbo Duo SuperCD), Magical Chase (TG16), Star Trek: The Next Generation (Game Boy), Darkwing Duck (Game Boy), Q*Bert (Game Boy), Super Ninja Boy (Game Boy), WordZap (Game Boy), and Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Game Gear). Also included are previews for Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (Genesis) and Splatterhouse 3 (Genesis).
  • Special Feature: Super Star Wars ProStrategy, Part 1 – The first part of a strategy guide for Super Star Wars on the Super Nintendo. I remember really wanting this game and it was a beautiful game but man was it ever hard. I never finished it…or really made it very far i don’t think.
  • Overseas ProSpects – Previews of game released in other countries that may or may not ever have made it to North America. Games (and systems) looked at include Populous II (Super Famicom), the Duo-R which was the successor to the Turbo Duo, Super Chinese World 2 (Super Famicom), Super Back To The Future 2 (Super Famicom), Darius 3 (Super Famicom), Noigear (Super Famicom), and Pop ‘N’ Twin Bee (Super Famicom).
  • The Sports Page – News, reviews and previews of sports games for all systems, this month including reviews of Hardball III for the Sega Genesis, RBI ’93 for the Sega Genesis, Bases Loaded 4 for the NES, an interview with Tony La Russa about Tony La Russa Baseball, and more.
Table of Contents for the June 1993 issue of GamePro (Continued)
  • Hardware Helpers – This column covers various peripherals and hardware add-ons for video game systems. This month, devices covered include The Miracle Piano Teaching System for the Sega Genesis, various rechargeable battery systems by Naki, including the Naki rechargeable battery system for the Game Boy, the Solar Pak which is a solar powered version, The Turbo Twins which is a version for the Game Gear, The Turbo Twins for the Turbo Express, the Atari Lynx Power Pak for the Atari Lynx and more.
  • Short ProShots – Short previews of upcoming games, this month including Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis, Rebel Assault and Thunder Hawk for the Sega CD, WarpSpeed, Mig-29, RocketKnight, Bubsy, Davis Cup Tennis, Dune II, Robocop vs. Terminator, Star Cruiser and Shining Force for the Genesis, Aero the Acrobat, PTO: Pacific Theater of Operations, Cool Spot, Grand Prix One, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Last Action Hero, Mega Man, Super Empire Strikes Back, and Obitus for the Super NES, World Cup Soccer for the Game Gear, Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers for the Game Boy, Jurassic Park for the NES.
  • S.W.A.T.Pro – GamePro’s strategy section this month includes tips for Shadow of the Beast (Genesis), Wonder Dog (Sega CD), Chuck Rock (Sega CD), Prince of Persia (SNES), Super MarioKart (SNES), Battleclash (SNES), Hook (SNES), RoboCop 2 (Game Boy), Super Mario Land 2 (Game Boy), Basketbrawl (Lynx), Ecco the Dolphin (Genesis), Batman Returns (Genesis), Paper Boy 2 (SNES), Street Fighter II (SNES), and Sewer Shark (Sega CD).
  • GameBusters: Wing Commander (SNES) – Tips for the final mission of Wing Commander for the Super Nintendo.
  • ProNews – News for June 1993 includes the impending release of Street Fighter II Turbo for the Super Famicom in Japan, virtual reality news, the announcement of a Mutant League sports product line by EA, new deals by EA with Shaquille O’Neal and Bill Walsh, Castlevania coming to the Genesis, upcoming releases of Jurassic Park, Dennis the Menace and Addams Family 2 games, Game Boy Game Genie legal news, and more.
  • Ad Index

…and more!

One Response to GamePro (June 1993)

  1. The mid 16-bit era to the early 32-bit era was probably the peak for magazines like GamePro and this can be seen in the page count for the June 1993 issue at more than 160 pages. At this time, GamePro was covering the Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, the original Nintendo (still), the TurboGrafx-16/Turbo Duo, the Neo Geo, Game Boy, Game Gear, and Atari Lynx.

    The contents of the June 1993 issue of GamePro include:

    Hot at the Arcades – Climb into the ring with Capcom’s Slam Masters
    Special Feature – Battletoads
    Special Feature – Ecco the Dolphin Strategy Guide, Part 2
    Special Feature – Yoshi’s Cookie
    Genesis: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Rolling Thunder 3, Sorcerer’s Kingdom, Jeopardy, Championship Pro-Am, Chase HQ II, Splatterhouse 3
    Sega CD: The Terminator and Batman Returns
    SNES: WWF: Royal Rumble, Aliens vs. Predator, Super Widget, Run Saber, The Addams Family: Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt, Cool World, Sonic Blast Man, Super James Pond, Mario is Missing!, Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge, and Lethal Weapon
    NES: Bignose Freaks Out
    Duo Super CD: SimEarth
    Duo Chip: Magical Chase
    Game Boy: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Darkwing Duck, Q*Bert, Super Ninja Boy, and WordZap
    Game Gear: Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
    Special Feature – Super Star Wars ProStrategy, part 1
    Overseas ProSpects – Populous II, Duo-R
    The Sports Page – Hardball III (Genesis), RBI ’93 (Genesis), Bases Loaded IV (NES), Tony La Russa Baseball (Genesis)
    Hardware Helpers – The Miracle Piano Teaching System (Genesis)
    Gamebusters: Wing Commander (SNES)
    …and more!