90s Shadowrun Sega Genesis ad
Shadowrun for the Sega Genesis is an adaptation of the pen and paper RPG of the same name. Shadowrun is interesting because it combines fantasy with a near future cyberpunk environment. Though based on the same source material, this game was developed separately from Shadowrun for the Super Nintendo and is a different game.

Like the Super Nintendo version, the Sega Genesis version is also third person, turn-based action RPG. However, there are a number of differences otherwise. The Sega Genesis version is not as good when it comes to graphics and sound. However, it does have more open-ended game play which some people may enjoy more. In any case, fans of Shadowrun or RPG fans looking for something different than your typical fantasy based RPG will probably enjoy this one.

The story involves you investigating the murder of your brother. There are three main storyline branches that can be explored separately or all at once. The mystery is not completely revealed until all three subquests have been resolved.

Unfortunately, neither this nor the Super Nintendo version has been re-released. You will have to hunt down the original cartridges or use an emulator to play. However, a Kickstarter based sequel called Shadowrun Returns was developed in 2012 that ties into the plots of both the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis version of the game. Due to its success, two more sequels for developed, Shadowrun Dragonfall and Shadowrun Hong Kong. I haven’t played them yet but they get generally good reviews and provide the same basic style of gameplay as opposed to being “upgraded” to some 1st/3rd person 3D action based game. They are all available via Steam and GoG for Windows, OS X and Linux.