John Baer: Take a look at Gary Johnson, Libertarian

Gary Johnson knows he’s unknown.

Here’s what he thinks of known candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

“If Mickey Mouse was on the ballot (with them), Mickey’d be at 30 percent because Mickey’s a known commodity.”

The suggestion is clear: If voters knew the Libertarian Johnson, who is on the ballot for president, he’d be at 30 percent, eligible for the first debate Sept. 26 and in contention for the White House.

As it stands, Mr. Johnson isn’t eligible. The Commission on Presidential Debates says you need 15 percent in five big polls by right about now in order to take part.

Mr. Johnson’s Real Clear Politics polling average is 9 percent.

But maybe he’ll make the second and/​or third debates: Oct. 9 and 19.

I hope he does.

I hope so because he and running mate Bill Weld are former two-term GOP governors of very different states, New Mexico and Massachusetts, respectively, who balanced budgets, cut taxes and created jobs.

I hope so because they profess a “fiscally conservative and socially inclusive” ideology they believe 60 percent of Americans agree with.

Source: John Baer: Take a look at Gary Johnson, Libertarian | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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