Who will pay for the communications infrastructure of the 21st century? Will it be broadband consumers, big content providers, or some combination of the two? In its Open Internet Order released last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC ) sided with Big Content and stuck broadband consumers with the full tab.
Before the FCCâs order, there were two possible ways by which Big Contentâthink Netflix or Amazon or YouTubeâcould contribute to the recovery of infrastructure costs by Internet service providers (ISPs). Content providers offering real-time applications (which for the most part do not yet exist) could pay for special handling of their packets or âpriority delivery.â Alternatively, online video providers could pay ISPs a fee for interconnection.
By reclassifying ISPs as public utilities, however, the FCC has foreclosed both forms of contribution. Paid priority has been banned (see para. 19), snuffing out the market for real-time applications in its infancy. And interconnection arrangements will be regulated under Title IIâs âjust and reasonableâ standard (see para. 29), which could mean anything, including Big Content paying only the ISPâs incremental cost of adding interconnection capacity (see para. 200). If Netflix has its way, that nebulous standard could mean free interconnection for the largest content providers.
Zero contribution is great news for Big Content. Indeed, Netflixâs stock price is up nearly $100 (a 25% increase) since President Obama came out in favor of public-utility regulations in November of 2014.
But it is bad news for broadband consumers. In a two-sided market such as broadband, banning payments from one side of the market will likely reduce broadband adoption. The simple reason is that broadband users are more price-sensitive than Big Content. Imagine what would happen to newspaper subscriptions if contributions from advertisers were banned, and the entire cost burden fell on readers!
Ironically, Big Content hired a team of lobbyists and activists to convince millions of consumers that corporate welfare for Big Content is somehow pro-consumer. Yet the FCCâs order will mean higher bills for broadband consumers; not necessarily higher than today, but higher than they would have been had Big Content been permitted to make some contribution.
Full article: http://www.forbes.co ⌠er-little-consumers/