HOUSTON – Child Protective Services Is Being Ordered To Stay Away From A Child

After 18 months in a CPS overseen group home 14-year-old Christianne ran.

”The case worker called (her) mom and said she ran away, but you find her, you can keep her,” said Julie Ketterman, the Brown’s attorney.

That is exactly what her mother did. After Brown found her daughter and made sure that she was safe, her attorney went to court turning the tables on CPS asking for a protective order against Child Protective Services, because of what allegedly happened when Christianne was in CPS’s care.

“She was beat up quite a bit. There was the running away. She has braces and the wires were literally falling off of her teeth,” Ketterman said.

In August of this year the Brazoria County court ruled in her favor granting a protective order saying:

“(CPS) engaged in conduct constituting family violence and good cause exists for issuance of a protective order…in best interest of the child.”

via HOUSTON – Child Protective Services Is Being Ordered To Stay Away From A Child

