Sen. Feinstein: Treating Bombing Suspect as an Enemy Combatant Would Be Unconstitutional

On Fox News Sunday, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein D-CA said she “believes very strongly” that the Boston bombing suspect should be read his Miranda rights and given a lawyer.

“I think that’s the only legal way to proceed. I do not believe under the military commission law that he is eligible for that enemy combatant status. It would be unconstitutional to do that,” Sen. Feinstein said.

via Sen. Feinstein: Treating Bombing Suspect as an Enemy Combatant Would Be Unconstitutional

I do not agree with Feinstein on much (in fact, this is the only specific case I can recall) but she is right here. If the Constitution is only going to apply when it is popular or when the government says so then it may as well not apply at all. This guy is an American citizen and he gets the same rights as everyone else or we have already lost the freedoms we are supposedly protecting.