Xref: utzoo misc.forsale.computers:11217 comp.sys.cbm:7182 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!bonnie.concordia.ca!uunet!fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!CTuna From: CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers,comp.sys.cbm Subject: Disk case es full of disks (5 1/4) Message-ID: <43069@cup.portal.com> Date: 7 Jun 91 23:05:40 GMT Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 16 I have purchased a used Commodore 64 computer system, and along with the system came ten boxes of 5 1/4" disks, all loaded with software. I have no idea what is on these disks, and I am willing to sell the boxes, (each is plastic, and holds 50+ disks) PACKED with 75 of these disks, for $25 each plus $5.00 shipping. I believe this lower than the price you would pay for blank disks alone. Some of these are SSSD, some SSDD, and some DSDD. Respond in Email or call/write. Don Gladden PO Box 247 Fullerton, CA 92632-0247 (714) 526-3270