Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!swrinde!mips!bridge2!jarthur!ucivax!!!!!ppugliese
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: sx-64 source
Message-ID: <>
Date: 10 May 91 07:59:20 GMT
References: <91129.224134XWUU@PURCCVM.BITNET>
Lines: 37

In article <91129.224134XWUU@PURCCVM.BITNET>, XWUU@PURCCVM.BITNET writes:
> I am tickled to know that I could generate some interest in the old sx-64
> by mentioning it!
> For those of you that wrote me asking for Grapvine's Address and phone:
> The Grapevine Group Inc.
> 3 Chestnut Street
> Suffern, New York  10901           1-800-292-7445
> This company is also a good source for reasonably priced Commodore IC's, etc.
> They also carry stuff for disk drive repair, 128's and amiga.
> I checked with my friend regarding his sx-64; he has experienced no problems
> with compatibility, although he does not use or need an interface to drive
> his printer.  I understand that the sx-64 does NOT have a tape port - this
> would prevent the use of several popular interfaces such as the Super Grafix
> JUNIOR, the G-Wiz, and several others.   Since it has no tape port, would that
> imply that there would be modifications of the ROM to accomodate?   Would
> programs that make calls to the tape register have problems?  I understand that
>  many programmers use calls to registers for the tape, since most folks don't
> use tapes these days.
> Color on the sx-64 is white background with cyan/green print. the tiny type
> is still hard to read.
> Kirk
> xwuu@purccvm
Yes there were changes to the ROMS to accomodate the lack of a tape port. The
DOS ROM was also different. However , according to book I read about 5 years
ago, Commodore minimized the changes for compatibility & even left alot of code
intact even if it wasn't needed. Several people in the LUG I belong to have
mentioned in times past that the SX wasn't fully compatible but I never asked
for details since I didn't have one. PHIL