Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!!bronze!!gilbertd
From: (Don Gilbert)
Subject: Iubio archive updates
Message-ID: <>
Sender: (USENET News System)
Organization: Biology, Indiana University - Bloomington
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 91 14:52:04 GMT
Lines: 96

Here is a list of some recently acquired files
at Iubio archive.  My thanks to several contributors
for help with this collection. 
Directory [ARCHIVE]
ARCH-RECENT.LIS         7  12-APR-1991 04:01
ARCHIVE.LIS            67  13-APR-1991 09:29
-- lists of current file holdings

BIOQUEST-DEMO.HQX    3103   4-APR-1991 13:05
BIOQUEST.README         7   4-APR-1991 13:17
-- Demo of the BioQuest biology teaching package
VERTWORLD.HQX        2335   8-APR-1991 10:16
VERTWORLD.README       11   8-APR-1991 10:16

Directory [ARCHIVE.FLY]
DEFICIENCIES.TXT       84   8-APR-1991 10:45
DEFICIENCY_KIT.TXT     23   8-APR-1991 10:45
FLYLIST.TXT           406   8-APR-1991 10:45
NEWP.TXT               92  26-MAR-1991 10:37
PLIST.README            4   1-APR-1991 17:23
P_BY_LOCATION.TXT     162   4-APR-1991 10:38

DINVOL2.TXT            80  10-APR-1991 19:06
GENOME_REPORT.TXT      50   6-APR-1991 18:40

HOMOCHART.TAR_Z        16  11-APR-1991 21:39
-- Roy Smith's box drawer for aligned sequences

REBASE.9104            50   1-APR-1991 01:28

DNASTACK.README          18   1-APR-1991 21:34
DNASTACK98.HQX          815   8-APR-1991 19:48
GENEJOCKEY.README        61   4-APR-1991 13:17
GENEJOCKEYDEMO.HQX     1031   4-APR-1991 13:17
-- Demo of GeneJockey full-featured sequence analysis program
GENEWORKSDEMO-P1.HQX   2111   4-APR-1991 13:11
GENEWORKSDEMO-P2.HQX    958   4-APR-1991 13:19
GENEWORKSDEMO-P3.HQX    884   4-APR-1991 13:20
GENEWORKSDEMO-P4.HQX     86   4-APR-1991 13:21
-- Demo of GeneWorks full-featured sequence analysis program
   in 4 parts
MACTARGSEARCH.HQX       237   4-APR-1991 09:16
SPEAKQUENCER.HQX        353   4-APR-1991 23:16
SPEAKQUENCER.README       2  11-APR-1991 12:45
TRNASEARCH-EUK.HQX      295   3-APR-1991 09:02
TRNASEARCH-PROK.HQX     294   3-APR-1991 09:01

PLOTDOT.HQX           292   3-APR-1991 09:01
PLOTH5.HQX            275   3-APR-1991 09:01
PLOTSIM.HQX           262   9-APR-1991 08:35
-- More of Peter Markiewicz's PlotA programs

READSEQ_SUN.UUE       129   6-APR-1991 11:09
-- readseq.c source for Sun (K&R) CC compiler

You can obtain these files by 
  > ftp
  user: anonymous
  password: your user name
  ftp> get some.file         (fetch the file)
To change directories to a subdirectory:
  ftp> cd [.molbio.mac]      (for instance)
To change to a higher directory:
  ftp> cd [-]   or   cd [archive.molbio] 
For binary files (ending with .ARC, .SIT, .Z and others)
  ftp> binary                (before get)
For Mac binary files (ending with .SIT mainly)
   You must set your macintosh to receive *MacBinary* files

Get [Archive]Archive.Doc for details of the 
archive operation.

                             -- Don
Don Gilbert                           
biocomputing office, biology dept., indiana univ., bloomington, in 47405