Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!uunet!bionet!!J.S.Stephenson
Subject: Re: Free Software Foundation
Date: 11 Apr 91 02:07:00 GMT
Lines: 37

> I want to get hold of the latest version of the PostScript-like interpreter
> for the PC call GHOSTSCRIPT. This is distributed by the
> Can anyone tell me the address/fax/phone of these people?
> Charles
> L.C. Willoughby
> Chemistry Department
> University College London

 The address is: The Free Software Foundation Inc.
                 675 Massachusetts Avenue
                 Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
 Telephone: 0101 617 876 3296, Electronic mail: GNU@Edu.MIT.AI.PREP

 But you shouldn't need to contact the American HQ: there are local UK
 distribution centres for the GNU software.  The MIT people certainly won't
 thank you for a request for one copy of some software for your personal
 PC.  It is a natural consequence of their software being free that they
 don't have the resources to provide that sort of service.

 To spread the load, there are several UK distribution centres, each of
 which takes responsibility for one part of the full range of GNU software.
 To find out where to get any particular item, send an email message to
 Info-Server@UK.AC.UKC, with the following 3 lines of text:

 request: catalogue
 topic: index
 request: end

 This will send you a list of who supplies what.  As it happens,
 Ghostscript is available from Imperial College.  Try sending some email to
 Info-Server@UK.AC.IC.DoC, with a text of HELP, to get started.