Xref: utzoo misc.jobs.misc:11060 bionet.jobs:539
Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!rpi!batcomputer!munnari.oz.au!metro!macuni!sunb!mcolthea
From: mcolthea@sunb.mqcc.mq.oz.au (Max Coltheart)
Newsgroups: misc.jobs.misc,bionet.jobs
Subject: Full Professor position in Australia - Psychology
Message-ID: <1479@macuni.mqcc.mq.oz>
Date: 13 Apr 91 12:45:39 GMT
Sender: news@macuni.mqcc.mq.oz
Organization: Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Lines: 7
Originator: mcolthea@sunb

Position available in the psychology department at Macquarie University,
Sydney, Australia. Applicants with interests in any area of psychology
will be considered. Further details can be obtained from Professor Max
Coltheart (mcolthea@sunb.mqcc.mq.oz.au) or from the Academic Staff Office,
Macquarie University, Sydney 2109, NSW, Australia. Closing date early June.