Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!!!erd
From: (Ethan R Dicks)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: Commodore PET software
Keywords: ancient old dusty
Message-ID: <>
Date: 28 Feb 91 04:03:24 GMT
References: <>
Organization: Ohio State Computer Science
Lines: 22

I, too, would be interested in knowing about any PET software archive.  I
have several PETs, several disk drives and several printers (OSU unloaded
a pallet full for ~$7-$10 per box).

To answer the original poster, yes and no.  Some PET disk drives (2031
and 4040) can read (and sort of write) C64 disks, and others (8050, 8050)
cannot read or write C64 disks.  There is much debate about whether or
not writing on C64 disks with a C= DOS other than v2.6 causes bit rot.  The
2031 uses (supposedly) the same software to read and write disks as the
1541, and the 4040 definitely uses similar but not identical software.

Good luck to all and happy PETting.


Ethan R. Dicks       | ######  This signifies that the poster is a member in
Software Results Corp|   ##    good sitting of Inertia House: Bodies at rest.
940 Freeway Drive N. |   ##
Columbus OH    43229 | ######  "You get it, you're closer."