Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!!!jarthur!!rknop
From: (Robert Andrew Knop)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: 1351 Problems, gateWay, ...
Message-ID: <>
Date: 9 Feb 91 06:56:48 GMT
Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Lines: 27 (Lyle C. Seplowitz) writes:
>I have the 1351 proportional mouse and it has problems when you move
>it horizontally (it doesn't move smoothly anymore). I tried moving the
>horizontal roller directly and had the same results. Anyone else have
>this problem? Any easy way to fix it?

Yikes... if the horizontal roller won't work (by that, I take it you mean
the roller that the mouse's ball rolls by friction), you probably have an
electrical problem; Have you tried taking the mouse apart and looking into it?

I know I had a problem with my M3 mouse: used normally, it almost refused to
go in a certain direction (I forget which), but rolling the roller directly
worked fine.  So I opened up the mouse, and discovered that there was a spring
on the roller that probably wasn't stiff enough.  So I shimmed it up with a
few layers of file card, and since then it has worked fine.  (The mouse mat
helps too.)

>How feasable is it to hook-up another computer's mouse to the

Probably not feasable at all.  I tried a friend's Amiga mouse on my C128 once;
although the connector fit into my joystick port, I wasn't able to get any
response out of using the mouse.  (I guess I should be grateful that I didn't
destroy my joystick connector!)

-Rob Knop