Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!uunet!!nickson From: (Ray Nickson) Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog Subject: Re: '->' operator Message-ID:Date: 22 Jan 91 00:37:10 GMT References: <> <> Sender: (News Admin) Organization: Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand Lines: 37 Nntp-Posting-Host: In-Reply-To:'s message of 21 Jan 91 02:22:07 GMT In article <> (Lee Naish) writes: (it would be even better to force programmers to write call explicitly; but that would break quite a few programs) Would it break too many programs? More than other proposals in the standard would? Lots of complexity in the draft draft standard I looked at (WG17 N64) arose from allowing this feature; I'd prefer it to be dropped. For one thing, programmers using metacalls should at least be aware that they are no longer writing logic; when call/1 is not written explicitly, this may not be obvious. My opinions on the if-then-else issue: (I use ->/2 and ;/2 a lot, although I'd prefer a more sensible syntax). In article <> (Bart Demoen) writes: > Perhaps people want to give their opinion about the following: > should ! in the condition be allowed ? Yes; I see no reason why not (though I have never implemented such a thing). The cut should apply just to the condition. In fact, I'd like implementations (optionally) give a warning on potential indeterminacy in the condition, then (Cond -> Then ; Else) could be given up in favour of if((Cond,!), Then, Else), where if/3 explores all solutions to Cond (as in SICStus). > should 1?- X = (true -> write(1)) , call((X ; write(2))) . have the > same answer as 2?- X = (true -> write(1)) , (X ; write(2)) . > and as 3?- true -> write(1) ; write(2) . If implicit metacalls are allowed, it seems more natural to treat X as if its binding at call time were explictly written in place; this would make X transparent to cut, and the answer to the above questions yes. This makes X different from call(X), and like transparent_call(X), although I've never needed a transparent call anyway. These appears to be what SICStus does, despite the manual saying X and call(X) are identical. Does someone have an example of where transparent call is actually useful?