Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!wuarchive!!ucdavis!ucbvax!WINNIE.BERKELEY.EDU!saharbaugh%roo.dnet
From: saharbaugh%roo.dnet@WINNIE.BERKELEY.EDU
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada
Subject: GKS and Ada
Message-ID: <>
Date: 14 Jan 91 14:02:24 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 26

On 11 Jan 91 Richard Pattis writes:
-Some cartography students here are taking a course where they would find it
-useful to use Ada and GKS on PCs (although they can use it on a VAX/VMS
-system in a pinch).  They asked me to forward to them any useful information
-I can get on the net on this topic.

     We have used GKS/Ada on a PC successfully as the basis for a "Learn 
by Doing" Ada course where the students go through the 2167A life cycle 
(producing portions of the document as they go) to produce an aircraft 
flight simulator on the PC using Ada and GKS..  

     The GKS we used is called "MicroGKS" and we used the Alsys Ada 
compiler.  The vendor of MicroGKS is Geri Cuthbert, Illumination Systems,
Inc. Contact her by phone  (407) 723-8961.  If you decide to use 
MicroGKS let me know and I'll tell you more.  If you happen to be in 
Palm Bay, Florida (February is usually nice weather) you are welcome to 
stop by and try it out.

sam harbaugh  saharbaugh%ROO.DNET@WINNIE.FIT.EDU       
Integrated Software, Inc.
1945 Palm Bay Rd #7
Palm Bay, Florida 32905
(407) 984-1986