Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!uunet!!kxb
From: (Karl Buck)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.nfs
Subject: Re: PC-NFS client lpq, lrm (is it available via ftp?)
Message-ID: <>
Date: 4 Jan 91 07:53:59 GMT
References: <> <1991Jan3.215105.23243@sdgsun.uucp>
Sender: (The News Guru)
Organization: Kansas State University
Lines: 19

In comp.protocols.nfs you write:


>They work for me just fine.  But writting lpq isn't hard, finding the specs
>for lpq was more difficult at the time, (they are available now).
>I had a version working about a year ago using Sun's PCNFS Toolkit.
>I'll see if I can find it, if anyone is interested.

Sorry for this post but the mail bounced. 

I'd very much appreciate any source you would be willing to share. Thanks.
 Karl Buck
 Dept. of Mathematics              email:    
 Kansas State University
 Manhattan, KS 66502               Phone: (913)532-6750