Xref: utzoo comp.protocols.tcp-ip:14271 comp.protocols.nfs:1649 comp.unix.msdos:242 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc:5166
Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!att!pacbell.com!ucsd!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!maverick.ksu.ksu.edu!kxb
From: kxb@mpccl.ksu.edu (Karl Buck)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip,comp.protocols.nfs,comp.unix.msdos,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc
Subject: Re: NCSA Telnet with PC-NFS and Clarkson pktd.sys
Keywords: ncsa,telnet,nfs,clarkson
Message-ID: <1991Jan3.005019.17832@maverick.ksu.ksu.edu>
Date: 3 Jan 91 00:50:19 GMT
References: <1990Dec31.181337.18232@maverick.ksu.ksu.edu>
Sender: news@maverick.ksu.ksu.edu (The News Guru)
Organization: Kansas State University
Lines: 28

kxb@einstein.mpccl.ksu.edu (Karl Buck) writes:

>Greetings. I am trying desperately to get NCSA Telnet, PC-NFS to work
>with the Clarkson packet drivers in our lab. Everything works great until:

>	1. You exit Telnet
>	2. You attempt to shell out (Alt-e)
>	3. You exit FTP

>In each instance the client machine locks up with the Network activity light
>staying on constantly. 

>After exiting telnet the following error comes up:
>"run-time error R6001
> - null pointer assignment"

First, let me thank everyone for all the patient replies. I ended up using
CUTE (Clarkson University Terminal Emulator) Ver. 2.2TN/NFS-A. It works
quite nicely since it was compiled using the PC-NFS Toolkit. It will be 
available via anonymous ftp (temporarily) in the directory pub/misc on
einstein.mpccl.ksu.edu. Check out the file README for more information.
(Happy New Year)
 Karl Buck
 Dept. of Mathematics              email: kxb@einstein.mpccl.ksu.edu    
 Kansas State University
 Manhattan, KS 66502               Phone: (913)532-6750