Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!att!!!wuarchive!uunet!lll-winken!unixhub!shelby!MIT.EDU!jtkohl From: jtkohl@MIT.EDU (John T Kohl) Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kerberos Subject: re: Having trouble starting up kerberos on a Pyramid MiServer Message-ID: <9101021402.AA16218@lycus.MIT.EDU> Date: 2 Jan 91 14:02:42 GMT Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Internet-USENET Gateway at Stanford University Lines: 8 If you look at a core dump, I suspect you'll find that the bus errors occur in the cases where the "input" is not word-aligned. It sounds like the Pyramid is a machine on which "MUSTALIGN" is required for the DES library to work properly. Try putting #define MUSTALIGN in your config file(s), rebuilding DES, and relinking. John