Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!att!linac!!!wuarchive!rex!uflorida!gatech!ncsuvx!news From: (Mike Paisley) Newsgroups: comp.protocols.appletalk Subject: Re: MacTCP on LocalTalk'ed machine Keywords: LocalTalk MacTCP Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Jan 91 22:55:22 GMT References: <> <> <> <> <> <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Mat. Sci. & Eng., NCSU Lines: 36 In article <> (Kurt Baumann) writes: >You might want to try a later version of MacTCP they are up to 1.0.1 at the >moment. Silly us (NCSU), since we have a site license, our campus computing center thought we would automaticaly get updates. So we're working on this one right now. >Also is any experiencing these kinds of problems with software other than >XCMD's and NCSA using MacTCP? Such as our product, TCP/Connect II or Wollongong's? We have a user here with TCP/Connect and it does the same thing. >I'm curious, becuase we haven't had any reported problems... > >-- >Kurt Baumann InterCon Systems Corporation >703.709.9890 Creators of fine TCP/IP products >703.709.9896 FAX for the Macintosh. After more hunting and pecking, I found that the dynamic addressing is working correctly as well. Finally, Randy Thomas ( pointed out that the FastPath needed to create an object with name of the IP number of the box on the AppleTalk side and of type IPADDRESS. I checked, and my machine was creating an IPADDRESS object for itself, but there was no IPADDRESS object from the FastPath. Thus, this seems the most likely culprit. He's running gateway code KSTAR that came with his FastPath 4. I'm running the code that came with my PROM upgrade (3.0), is this KSTAR? Any ideas where to get KSTAR code that is still compatible with a FP-3? Thanks. Mike Paisley (919) 737-7781 PAISLEY@NCSUMTE.BITNET