Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!wuarchive!udel!!garrett
From: (Joel Garrett)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.appletalk
Subject: Re: MacTCP on LocalTalk'ed machine
Keywords: LocalTalk MacTCP
Message-ID: <>
Date: 4 Jan 91 03:56:20 GMT
References: <> <> <>
Organization: University of Delaware
Lines: 24

In article <> (Mike Paisley) writes:
>the FastPath.  Thus, this seems the most likely culprit. He's running gateway
>code KSTAR that came with his FastPath 4.  I'm running the code that came with
>my PROM upgrade (3.0), is this KSTAR?  Any ideas where to get KSTAR code that
>is still compatible with a FP-3?  Thanks.

There was someone out on the net that said something to the effect that there 
was a way to patch MacTCP to work with non-KIP-style routers (ie KFPS-2 & 3s)
I sent a note to the guy, but never heard anything back from him.  According to
Shiva (the new keepers of FastPath technology) the only solution available is
to upgrade your boxes to KFPS-4s for $999 or run KIP if you have a Sun or other
atalkad-capable machines (does anyone know of a list of atalkad-capable systems?
We don't have any Suns on our local network (but we do have a few Iris 4Ds and
a few other equally un-BSDish machines such as HP9000s and old Iris 3130s and
we've never had any luck bringing up atalkad on any of these hosts without
what looked to be more work than we were willing to handle...)

Can anyone else shed some more light on this matter?

>Mike Paisley     (919) 737-7781