Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!!swrinde!ucsd!ucbvax!CCIS.BAYLOR.EDU!Bob_Lemley
From: Bob_Lemley@CCIS.BAYLOR.EDU (Bob Lemley)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.appletalk
Subject: RE>telnet prob
Date: 2 Jan 91 10:38:13 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 38

Date	1/2/91
Subject	RE>telnet prob
From	Bob Lemley
To	Steve Australia, INFOAPPLETALK

        Reply to:   RE>telnet prob

> I'm posting this on behalf of the NCSA Telnet(MacTCP) users on our
> campus, and also for a developer trying to use the MacTCP Toolkit
> XCMDS for HyperCard. Both parties are suffering from hanging Macs.
> Mostly, the Macs are running System 6.0.5 and MacTCP 1.0.1

We've experienced a similar problem at Baylor.  I've reported the problem to
NCSA and they are looking into it.  We have noticed that the problem is much
worse with I/O that has lots of "invisible" characters - , , ...
and such.  We have tried both Telnet 2.3 and 2.4b and both break.  We tried 2.3
with _NCSA_ drivers and it breaks (also with MacTCP drivers).
>The basic problem is that MacTCP Telnet and HyperCard stacks that use
>the MacTCP Toolkit XCMDS hang occasionally when talking, via the
>Multigate (a LocalTalk/Ethernet gateway) to a terminal server on our
>local ethernet. I've used 'etherfind' and Peek to track the packets on
>the ethernet and LocalTalk sides of the Multigate, and discovered the
>following sequence of events -

We're using Fastpaths rather than Multigates.  Our host is a VAX running
Multinet.  We've only verified the problem with NCSA Telnet.  It may be
happening with the XCMDs, but we haven't looked ito that.  Our dignostic tools
are similar and the series of events leading to a hang looks identical.  By the
way, we have noticed that only the effected session hangs.  Other sessions
proceed normally.
Bob Lemley
Baylor University