Xref: utzoo comp.text.tex:4610 comp.os.vms:34109 comp.org.decus:670 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!ucsd!mvb.saic.com!dayton.saic.com!nieland!decus-tex From: decus-tex@nieland.DAYTON.OH.US (Ted Nieland - DECUS TeX Collection Editor) Newsgroups: comp.text.tex,comp.os.vms,comp.org.decus Subject: Call for Submissions Message-ID: <4697.AA4697@nieland.DAYTON.OH.US> Date: 4 Jan 91 05:00:38 GMT Followup-To: comp.text.tex Lines: 21 An update to the DECUS TeX Collection is being planned for release in February of 1991. This is a update to the August 1990 Release and will have updated versions of TeX, METAFONT, DVIPS, and a other programs that have been updated since August of last year. An update to the DECUS TeX Help Library will also be included, along with TEXT1 Macro package and OzTeX 1.3. Anyone who would like to submit material (programs, fonts, documentation, etc.) can send a note to decus-tex@nieland.dayton.oh.us. I will make arrangements to have the material FTPed or EMAILed. Supported operating system for this collection will be VMS, Unix, MS-DOS, Macintosh, and AmigaDOS. An announcement of release of the collection will appear in these newsgroups. -- M. Edward (Ted) Nieland DECUS TeX Collection Ted@NIELAND.DAYTON.OH.US