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From: noring@vaxr.llnl.gov
Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis,sci.misc,comp.misc
Subject: Program Wanted: Nonlinear, Two Parameter, Least Squares Fit.
Message-ID: <1991Jan3.140221.1@vaxr.llnl.gov>
Date: 3 Jan 91 21:02:21 GMT
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I'm trying to curve fit a set of measured (x,y) pairs to a non-linear
equation, the general form (sparing you the nasty details) being:

   y= f(x,a,b),

where 'a' and 'b' are two parameters that need to be determined (that
is, which will best fit the equation to the data).

I'm sure I could go to a numerical analysis book, and write a program
to determine these parameters, but I'd like to first see if anybody has
already written a self-contained program (preferably in FORTRAN) that
will do this.  Your help is appreciated.


Jon Noring