Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!uunet!olivea!apple!bionet!!floyd
From: (Floyd Davidson)
Newsgroups: comp.misc
Subject: Re: Request for information - cracker tactics
Message-ID: <>
Date: 3 Jan 91 13:41:09 GMT
References: <807@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM> <808@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM>
Organization: University of Alaska, Institute of Marine Science
Lines: 67

In article <808@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM> mercer@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Dan Mercer) writes:
>Request for information - cracker tactics
>First,  a proviso.  My intentions are purely literal,  not felonious.
>I do not crack people's systems,  nor do I support people who do.  I
>have no intentions of using any information provided to crack anyone's
>system.  I expressly ask that no one provide me with information
>detailed enough to allow me to crack someone's system (I am only
>human,  after all.  Well,  at least on my mom's side of the family).
>Since the information will be intended for general readership,
>specifics are not necessary.
>As a general background,  I have read Cliff Stoll's great book (Cliff
>set the land speed record for Buffalonians working in a plug for the
>old town).  What I'm interested in are:

Two of these are areas where I have considerable experience and
expertize.  The others (and how to spell), I know nothing about.
Someone else can clue you in on them.

>	1. Phone phreaking - what are its parameters - capabilities,
>	   limitations.  In John Camp's book _Fool's_Run_,  he outlines
>	   some really strange capabilities,  like being able to place a
>	   call that gets traced back to a phone booth in Kabul.  Seemed
>	   pretty fanciful to me.

There is only one safe way to do phone phreaking.  All others lead to
serious confrontations with the judicial system.  Note that it is
very easy to have your call traced to Kabul.  Call from there. 
Otherwise that is a joke on todays network.  But to be safe and
not need to exagerate your exploits, go to work for the phone
company.  Sheesh, man, I get paid to phreak all kinds of trunks.
I even get to write down what I did and file it away forever.

>	2. Accessibility to public databanks - DMV,  NCIC,  etc.

Don't know.

>	3. Accessibility to private databanks - TRW,  credit card
>	   companies.  Having worked with the simplistic protocols used by
>	   credit card readers,  I can easily believe that credit card
>	   transactions would be very easy to spoof.  What else?

Don't know.

>	4. Now the weird one,  use your imagination here.  I need ways in
>	   which cracking could be used to bring about someone's demise.
>	   Be real careful here.

Best way I know to crack someone and cause their total demise is
to use a baseball bat.  Works best from behind, they don't get
their arms in the way then.  Not too sporting of you, though.

>	5. Leads to non-net experts would be greatly appreciated.
>Dan Mercer
>NCR Network Products Division      -        Network Integration Services
>Reply-To: mercer@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Dan Mercer)
>"MAN - the only one word oxymoron in the English Language"

Hey Dan, wait six months and you will be part of the phone company!

Floyd L. Davidson                        
Salcha, AK 99714                    paycheck connection to Alascom, Inc.
 When I speak for them, one of us will be *out* of business in a hurry.