Path: utzoo!censor!geac!torsqnt!!!swrinde!!usc!!rpi!uupsi!sunic!fuug!!news
From: (Patrik Str|mstedt)
Newsgroups: comp.fonts
Subject: Re: HP soft fonts available by ftp?
Message-ID: <>
Date: 6 Jan 91 18:16:15 GMT
References: <>
Sender: (Patrik Str|mstedt)
Organization: Dept. of EE, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Lines: 13

In article <> tachyon@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Tane' Tachyon) writes:
>I'm getting sick of using Times Roman and Helvetica for everything,
>and would like to find some others to play around with.
>I looked for a FAQ message, but if there was one, it scrolled off
>already at my site, sorry.

There are a lot of soft fonts to HPLaserJet available at the ftp-site:   
