Xref: utzoo comp.fonts:1792 comp.text.tex:4657
Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!att!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!hsdndev!husc6!zariski!primer
From: primer@math.harvard.edu (Jeremy Primer)
Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.text.tex
Subject: Math Fonts for TeX
Date: 6 Jan 91 23:56:23 GMT
Sender: news@husc6.harvard.edu
Distribution: comp
Organization: Harvard University Dept. of Mathematics
Lines: 16

Is anyone using fonts other than Computer Modern to produce good
mathematical output with TeX?  We are running the version of PSLaTeX
which comes with dvips v5.41 and are pleased with what it does--except
in math mode.  We are interested in font combinations or families
which are either public domain or else can legally be purchased for
our Unix server.  We currently have only the standard LaserWriter II

If something is good but only legally sold for a PC, that would be
less than ideal, but we do have PC's running TeX and that could
nonetheless be helpful.

I'll summarize replies for the net.
Jeremy Primer, Department of Mathematics, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138
primer@math.harvard.edu     ...!harvard!zariski!primer    primer@huma1.bitnet