Xref: utzoo gnu.emacs.sources:119 comp.emacs:9825
Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!shelby!msi.umn.edu!noc.MR.NET!nic.stolaf.edu!nic.stolaf.edu!swansonc
From: swansonc@acc.stolaf.edu (Chris Swanson, St. Olaf College)
Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.sources,comp.emacs
Subject: Getris: Thank's
Date: 6 Jan 91 00:56:33 GMT
Sender: news@acc.stolaf.edu
Organization: St. Olaf College / N.E.T. Ambulance
Lines: 12

Thank's to everyone who responded.  I now have a working version, and
have something to blow my valuable time away with.
Thank's again.


Chris Swanson, Chem/CS/Pre-med Undergrad, St. Olaf College, Northfield,MN 55057
	INTERNET:  swansonc@acc.stolaf.edu	UUCP: swansonc@stolaf
    	AT&T:	   Work: (507)-645-6845		Home: (507)-663-6424
	I would deny this reality, but that wouldn't pay the bills...