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From: erskine@cs.dal.ca (Neil Erskine)
Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.help,comp.emacs
Subject: Gnu emacs on DECstation 2100
Message-ID: <1991Jan5.001822.8663@cs.dal.ca>
Date: 5 Jan 91 00:18:22 GMT
Distribution: na
Organization: Math, Stats & CS, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lines: 32

	I've been presented with a DECstation (running Ultrix natch),
and have brought up gnuemacs as distributed on the DEC Ultrix tape.
It works for the most part, but exhibits problems of two varieties:

a) incremental search doesn't work properly.  C-s kaaa must be typed
to search for ka, C-s kaaabbb to search for kab, etc.  According to
emac's records of read keystrokes, the first and second a's, b's, etc.
are not being received, although the second of each provokes a bell.
This behaviour does not occur if invocation was 'emacs -nw'.

b) window resizes overshoot slightly. If you resize to extend the
window to the bottom of the screen, the emacs window appears cropped
slightly at the bottom, and a message may appear in the echo line
indicating that a resize has occurred. There may be other small
problems, but if so, they or of the same order: small event handling

	Is anyone familiar with this situation, and have patches?  The
Ultrix installation is absolutely stock, as is the emacs source from
the quaintly formatted DEC supplied software distribution tape (set
UWXEDIT033, I believe).  I know something about DEC 2100s was
discussed a while ago, but I didn't know then that I'd have to use one

				Thanks in advance,
Neil Erskine		erskine@cs.dal.ca