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From: worley@compass.com (Dale Worley)
Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.help,comp.emacs
Subject: What command causes load-file to exit immediately?
Message-ID: <9101021551.AA07483@sn1987a.compass.com>
Date: 2 Jan 91 15:51:59 GMT
Sender: daemon@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
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Lines: 20

From: squash@shadrach.math.ufl.edu  (Jonathan King)
> Is there a command which I can put into a file to be loaded which
> causes the remainder of the file not to be read?

This code seems to work:

	(while t

It reads expressions from the current file (the one being loaded)
until it finds end-of-file.


Dale Worley		Compass, Inc.			worley@compass.com
Start the project after the deadline -- the pressure is less then.