Xref: utzoo comp.music:2338 comp.dsp:1173
Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!wuarchive!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!ncar!gatech!udel!princeton!phoenix.Princeton.EDU
From: lseltzer@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Linda Ann Seltzer)
Newsgroups: comp.music,comp.dsp
Subject: Fairlight Voice Tracker - how accurate?
Message-ID: <5019@idunno.Princeton.EDU>
Date: 4 Jan 91 02:26:29 GMT
Sender: news@idunno.Princeton.EDU
Followup-To: comp.music
Organization: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
Lines: 26

I am interestedin information on the Fairlight Voice Tracker, a
pitch determination device.

Which pitch determination method is used in the Fairlight Voice

Does the company offer specs on its accuracy (percent frequency
or percent of a semitone)?  Has anyone done any independent tests
measuring its accuracy?  

How many times per second does it compute a pitch value?  

How does the pitch tracker account for commonly found errors
such as harmonic errors?


I'd appreciate information either here on the net or
via e-mail at:

or after January 6 at lseltzer@phoenix.princeton.edu (phoenix will
be down January 5-6.)

						Thank you,
						Linda Seltzer