Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!evax!cs4344af From: (Fuzzy Fox) Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm Subject: JiffyDOS Summary: Buy it! Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Dec 90 22:18:23 GMT References: <> <> <> Organization: Computer Science Engineering Univ. of Texas at Arlington Lines: 35 In article <> writes: >Im still scared to death of stuff like Jiffy Dos, or anything that alters >the root opperating system of the 64/128. Don't be. JiffyDOS is the best thing to come along for the Commodore since the invention of the disk drive. Hats off to Creative Micro Designs for creating such a highly compatible and useful DOS that is FAST!! JiffyDOS works with ALL software (okay, for those of you who like numbers, 99.99% compatible). I have been using JiffyDOS for 2 years now and have found only TWO software programs that would not work properly with it. And JiffyDOS is so complete, you can switch it off if you want to, simple as that. JiffyDOS isn't even that expensive. And, for you REU lovers, it of course does not use any ports on the machine at all. FastLoad and Super Snapshot can't compare with JiffyDOS's compatibility. Several times I have had to turn of my SSv5 cartridge to get a program to work, but I never have to turn off JIffyDOS. JiffyDOS speeds up all access of the disk drive, including PRG load/saves, SEQ file read/writes, USR and REL file updates, too. Everything. Reliably. Compatibly. Even the built in DOS wedge never causes problems with BASIC programs or anything else. Truly an amazing feat. This may seem like a biased opinion, and it is. But not because of any relation between me and CMD. I am merely a thoroughly happy customer. Keep up the good work, CMD people. -- begin 644 .signature G5&AI