Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!att!!bionet!NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV!pkarp
From: pkarp@NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV (Peter Karp)
Subject: workshop
Date: 12 Dec 90 14:28:51 GMT
Lines: 71

Date: Tue, 4 Dec 90 10:57:24 -0500
From: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro 
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AAAI-91 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases - CFP

 	Call for Papers for AAAI Workshop on 
	Anaheim, California, July 14-15 (tentative), 1991. 

The growing data and information glut creates both a need and an opportunity
for extracting knowledge from databases. Earth observation satellites are
expected to produce terabytes  of data. Increasing computerization of
businesses generates large databases, which some forward looking companies
(airlines, banks, insurance companies, etc.) are already searching for
knowledge offering competitive advantage.  Several statistical and machine
learning tools for discovery in databases are available commercially.
Recent research progress, coupled with reported application successes, 
created a significant interest in KDD and led to an IJCAI-89 workshop on KDD
and the Knowledge Discovery in Databases collection (AAAI/MIT Press,
Spring 1991).

Discovery in databases is not a strict sub-field of AI.  Rather it is an area
of common interest for researchers in machine learning, statistics,
intelligent databases, knowledge acquisition for expert systems, and data
visualization.  Too often researchers in one of these areas are unaware of
important tools and techniques in the other areas.  A major goal of the
workshop is to bring together researchers in different areas to
cross-fertilize the various research approaches and discuss the unifying
themes of KDD, such as the use of domain knowledge, dealing with uncertainty
and imperfect data, and interactive, human-oriented presentation.

This 1.5 day workshop will bring together academic and industrial researchers,
business practitioners, and tool developers.  Specific topics of interest
	Integration of Knowledge-based and Statistical Approaches
	Integration of Different Discovery Methods
	Use of Domain Knowledge in Discovery and Re-use of Discovered Knowledge
	Discovery of Causal Structure in Data
	Interactive Systems for Data Exploration and Discovery
	Human-Oriented Presentation, including Data Visualization
 	High-level Query Answering and Data Summarization
	Discovery in Complex Data or Text
	Ethics of Discovery in Social Databases
	Successful Applications in Medicine, Business and other areas.

Please submit 3 copies of either an extended abstract (about 5 pages), a short
paper (about 10 pages), a comparative survey of existing tools and techniques,
or a description of a successful application to the workshop chairman:

Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro		Important Dates-----------------------
GTE Laboratories, M/S 45		Submissions Due:         March 8, 1991
40 Sylvan Road, Waltham, MA 02254	Acceptance Notification: April 15, 1991
e-mail:  			Workshop Notes due to
fax: 617-890-9320 tel: 617-466-4236	AAAI (camera-ready):	 May 24, 1991

To encourage active discussion, workshop participation will be limited.
Working notes will be produced by AAAI and distributed to participants.

Organizing Committee:
	Tom Dietterich (Oregon State University)
	William (Bud) Frawley (GTE Laboratories) 	
	Brian Gaines (University of Calgary)
	Chris Matheus (GTE Laboratories)
	Mary McLeish (University of Guelph)
	Michael Siegel (MIT Sloan School) 
 	Samy Uthurusamy (GM Research Laboratories)
	Jan Zytkow (Wichita State University)
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