Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!uunet!!IRO.UMontreal.CA!matrox!uvm-gen!kira!news
From: pegram@kira.UUCP (Robert B. Pegram)
Newsgroups: comp.periphs.printers
Subject: Re: DeskJet 500 underline problem
Message-ID: <>
Date: 7 Dec 90 16:21:51 GMT
References: <>
Organization: University of Vermont, Department of Computer Science
Lines: 62
Raymond-Protection: enabled

From article <>, 
by (Jeff Sicherman):

Jeff quotes me saying:

>>Underlines always end up in the middle of the next line down.  I tried
>>two different fonts, with single and double underlines and with
>>and without the "floating" option (whatever that is!).  Nothing
>>worked.  Is the machine defective or did I miss something? 

He then writes:

>   Havent checked my Deskjet refs but the Laserjet is a page printer and
> doesnt support the cr-no-lf sequence when  printing an ascii file in order
> to produce underlining. It defaults to auto-lf with cr (newline). Even though
> the Deskjet is essentially a rasterizing printer, they probably made it act
> like a laserjet in order to have PCL type printers act compatibly with 
> respect to the same files and commands.  
> A character-backspace-(overprint-underline) type sequence does work on 
> both printers, in my experience.

> Jeff Sicherman
> up the net without a .sig

I'll try it, but I don't quite get it.  I'm not trying to overprint
with the underline character.  The DeskJet is also not set up to do an
auto line feed.  What I am doing is setting up the equivalent of
embedded commands (the word processor does it for me when I tell it to
underline) in the ascii to turn on automatic underlining before my text, 
and then embedding a turn off command after it.  It would read in
straight ascii something like:

(ESC "underline on")Underlined text(ESC "underline off")

The parenthesized codes are various printing or nonprinting
characters, beginning with the escape character.  The DeskJet does
have this command, more than one in fact - single, double, and
floating (??) characteristics all modify simple underlining.  What I
don't get is, why are the underlines I produce half way into the next
line, striking through the text there?  If your idea held, I would
produce text like this:

Underlined text
_______________ (a line with only an underline)
next line of text.....

If I misunderstand the commands dealing with underlines, somebody
straighten me out.  Do these commands actually flip the underscore
character between a single and a double line and print it somewhere?
Or are they supposed to work as I expect, causing each subsequent
ascii character to be printed with an underline?  If they do work as I
stated, is there some vertical spacing setup or adjustment I'm
supposed to do before using them?  BTW, this effect has also shown up
on another DJ 500 I know of, though it was probably from the same
store.  Thanks for all your help,

Bob Pegram

Internet domain:
UUCP: ...!uvm-gen!pegram

(what .sig?  I still type this in all the time! 8-)