Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!swrinde!!wuarchive!!!sichermn From: (Jeff Sicherman) Newsgroups: comp.periphs.printers Subject: Re: DeskJet 500 underline problem Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Dec 90 06:01:22 GMT References: <> Organization: Cal State Long Beach Lines: 29 In article <> pegram@kira.UUCP (Robert B. Pegram) writes: >(Second try - no answers yet - possibly because original didn't get >posted 8-) > >Ran into a problem helping my brother-in-law with his new DJ 500. >Underlines always end up in the middle of the next line down. I tried >two different fonts, with single and double underlines and with >and without the "floating" option (whatever that is!). Nothing >worked. Is the machine defective or did I miss something? Setting up >this beast is not as easy as the Epson compatibles I'm used to, since >some options must be sent out in strict order, or you don't get what >you want. Any and all help appreciated, I will report if there is any >interest. Email or post to c.p.p. > >Bob Pegram > >Internet domain: >UUCP: ...!uvm-gen!pegram Havent checked my Deskjet refs but the Laserjet is a page printer and doesnt support the cr-no-lf sequence when printing an ascii file in order to produce underlining. It defaults to auto-lf with cr (newline). Even though the Deskjet is essentially a rasterizing printer, they probably made it act like a laserjet in order to have PCL type printers act compatibly with respect to the same files and commands. A character-backspace-(overprint-underline) type sequence does work on both printers, in my experience. Jeff Sicherman up the net without a .sig