Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!wuarchive!!!cica!iuvax!att!!!grx0644
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Help with Compuserv
Message-ID: <>
Date: 18 Oct 90 02:41:31 GMT
Organization: University of Toledo
Lines: 11

I know this is a bit off the subject, but I need to send mail to Compuserv of a
technical nature. I have the id of the person, but I do not know the internet
path. I have seen someplace someone saying that this is how its done and I did
not know where else to post it. I am not a member of compuserv, so I am sorry
if I am bothering anyone with this desperate plea for help.


Summary of this post.

Need pathway to send mail to a Compuserv user via networks.