Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!wuarchive!!apple!agate!darkstar!
From: (Don Smith)
Newsgroups: comp.os.research
Subject: Reminder: CFP TriComm'91
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Date: 11 Sep 90 00:45:25 GMT
Lines: 103

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

                            TriComm '91
            IEEE Conference on Communications Software:
      Communications for Distributed Applications and Systems

                         April 17-19, 1991
                       Chapel Hill, NC  USA

An international conference sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, 
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and MCNC

The decade of the 1980's was a period of rapid advances in communications 
technology (both hardware and software) and of pioneering deployment of 
distributed systems and applications.  At the beginning of the 1990's,
new communications technologies and new distributed applications are 
emerging that will have far-reaching impact on communications software. 
Very high-speed networks (e.g., from FDDI to Gigabit technologies), 
multi- and continuous-media communications, interconnection of workstations 
and supercomputers, visualization and image applications, and 
computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) are just a few examples.  
Participation in the conference by both developers of advanced distributed
applications or systems and researchers interested in communications software 
will provide a mutually beneficial dialogue.  Two major themes will be 
emphasized: (1) examination of requirements and experiences from distributed 
applications and systems, and (2) innovations in underlying communications

Areas of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

Production, financial or service industry     Programming environments         
   (e.g., airlines, banking, insurance,          (languages, toolkits)         
    manufacturing, education, medicine)       High-performance protocols       
Computer-supported collaborations	      Continuous-media protocols 
Multimedia mail, conferencing	              Highly available/secure systems  
Visualization; image processing	              Applied theoretical results      
Supercomputer-workstation integration         Operating system kernel support  
Very large-scale file systems	              Performance analysis
                                              Monitoring and debugging             

Original papers are invited and proceedings will be available at the 
conference.  The deadline for submitting papers is October 22, 1990.  
Papers should be no more than 20 double spaced pages in length and should 
have a separate cover page with title, authors, a 250-word abstract, and 
postal address, email address, and telephone number of contact author.  
Send 5 copies to:
    Don Smith, TriComm '91			    
    CB #3175, Sitterson Hall		
    Department of Computer Science	
    University of North Carolina
    Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3175
    919-962-1884;; Fax-919-962-1799

    Submit paper--before October 22, 1990
    Notification of acceptance--December 7, 1990
    Final version due--by January 28, 1991
    Conference dates--April 17-19, 1991
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Don Smith, Chairman                     Yutaka Matsushita                    
    IBM & UNC-Chapel Hill, USA              Keio University, Japan       
Steven Bellovin				Najah Naffah                         
    AT & T Bell Laboratories, USA           Bull, France                 
Rich Chilausky				Erich Neuhold                        
    BNR, USA                                GMD-IPSI, FRG                
Brian Coan				Bernhard Plattner                    
    Bellcore, USA                           ETH, Switzerland             
Flaviu Cristian				Tom Rodeheffer                       
    IBM Research-Almaden, USA               DEC Sys. Res. Center, USA    
Carla Ellis				Beverly Sanders                      
    Duke University, USA                    ETH, Switzerland             
Rong-Chin Fang				M. Satyanarayanan                    
    Northern Telecom, USA                   CMU, USA                     
Domenico Ferrari			H.T. Smith                           
    U. of California-Berkeley, USA          Nottingham University, UK    
James P. Gray				Jorgen Staunstrup                    
    IBM Comm. Systems, USA                  Technical U. of Denmark      
Fukuya Ishino				Liba Svobodova                       
    NTT, Japan                              IBM Res.-Zurich, Switzerland 
Kevin Jeffay				Mladen Vouk                          
    UNC-Chapel Hill, USA                    NC State University, USA     
Rivka Ladin 				Hussein Abdel-Wahab                  
    DEC CRL, USA                            Old Dominion U., USA         
Simon Lam				William E. Weihl                     
    U. of Texas-Austin, USA                 MIT, USA                     
Geovane Magalhaes			Jennifer Welch                       
    CPqD/TELEBRAS, Brazil                   UNC-Chapel Hill, USA 

    Alan Blatecky (MCNC, USA) General Chairman 
    David May (BNR, USA)
    Jurg Nievergelt (ETH, Switzerland) International Chairman		
    Joe Rusnak (IBM, USA)
    Peter Calingaert (UNC-Chapel Hill, USA) 	
    Dan Stephenson (MCNC, USA)
    Andre Fournier (BNR, USA)