Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!wuarchive!!apple!agate!darkstar!
From: (Andrew McPherson)
Newsgroups: comp.os.research
Subject: Address Recognition
Message-ID: <>
Date: 11 Sep 90 00:27:20 GMT
Organization: VLSI And Systems Technology Laboratory, EECS, UNSW, Australia
Lines: 18

Possibly this is not the correct newsgroup, but there seems not to be a
newsgroup specifically devoted to distributed computing, and it was
suggested that I try here. I am hoping that some of the readers of this
newsgroup will have distributed interests.

I am involved in a distributed computing project, and am currently
considering the options available for very fast address recognition.

I would appreciate any references to work in this area, or information
about current projects in this area, and possible contacts.

This request has already been posted to comp.parallel.

Thank You

Andrew McPherson