Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!usc!snorkelwacker!apple!agate!darkstar! From: (William Ricker) Newsgroups: comp.os.research Subject: Introduction to Mach Internals (Seminar) Message-ID: <> Date: 5 Sep 90 15:49:19 GMT Sender: Organization: Greater Boston Chapter ACM PDS Committee Lines: 69 Approved: GBC/ACM Professional Development Seminars Fall 1990 Series GBC/ACM Seminar 3: Topic: Introduction to Mach Internals Speaker: Nawaf Bitar Date & Time: Saturday, November 10, 1990 - 8:30am - 4:30pm Location: Snell Engineering Center, Northeastern University, Boston, MA Sponsor: Greater Boston Chapter of the ACM Admission: Early registrants: $65.00. Day-of-seminar: $75.00 GBC/ACM Annual Membership fee is an additional $10.00 Information: (617)-862-1181 or write: GBC/ACM P.O. Box 465 Lexington, MA 02173 Abstract: Study the Mach Operating System in detail. This seminar will provide an overview of the Mach architecture, philosophy, and vision, and will continue with a thorough study of its three major subsystems: task/thread management, virtual memory management, and inter-task communications. Also discussed will be the Mach Inteface Generator, Network Message Server, and Network Memory Server. A sketch of future developments will conclude the seminar. Biography: Nawaf Bitar was a research fellow at the Open Software Foundation, Cambridge, MA, where he was part of the Carnegie-Mellon University OSF Team developing OSF/2 on a Mach 3-based system. Nawaf has since returned to the Apollo Systems Division of the Hewlett-Packard Co, where he is involved with operating systems projects. General Information: The GBC/acm is the local Boston chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery, a non-profit scientific & educational association. The GBC/acm PDS committee presents three Professional Development Seminars each Spring and Fall. The current site is Northeastern University, which can be reached by I-90, I-93, Route 3, Route 2, and the MBTA Orange and Green lines. Free parking is available to those arriving on-time -- before the rest of Northeastern parks. Continental Breakfast, Lunch, and two snacks are provided. A copy of the speaker's slides and a selection of readings will be provided before the seminar begins. Registration is 8:30-9:00am. The seminar officially ends at 4:30. [I've rarely seen people kicked out of informal Q&A before 5:00, however.] FEES. Included in the Seminar Fee are: seminar materials, lunch, and refreshments. An additional $10 GBC/acm membership fee is charged to non-members. (This fee is a one-time fee for any given year, as it is one year's membership.) Registrations processed on the day of the seminar will be charged an additional $10 late registration fee. CANCELLATION POLICY. The full registration fee will be refunded if the PDS Chairperson (Attn:Refund) receives written notification prior to the registered seminar. A verbal request will be honored in an emergency. Further disclaimers are included in the printed newsletter, available at better technical meetings and mailboxes accross New England, and by calling the answering machine. -- /bill ricker/ a/k/a *** Warning: This account not authorized to express opinions ***