Xref: utzoo misc.misc:10338 comp.misc:10018 news.groups:23449
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From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
Newsgroups: misc.misc,comp.misc,news.groups
Subject: Is "r.s." offensive in Australia ?
Message-ID: <2140@krafla.rhi.hi.is>
Date: 5 Sep 90 20:15:46 GMT
Reply-To: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
Followup-To: misc.misc
Organization: University of Iceland (RHI)
Lines: 26

I am currently proposing the creation of a newsgroup dedicated to the
IBM RISC SYSTEM/6000 computers.  The original suggestion was to call
the group

However, several people at IBM objected, saying that r.s. was a VERY
offensive term in Australia - the closest US equivalent being "bullshit".

You only replace the bull with a rat......    :-)

I therefore proposed a safer (but longer) name:


However - I have now heard from some people from Australia that "r.s." is
not considered offensive at all.....

Can anybody (preferably from Australia) clarify this......is "r.s." offensive
or not ?  (Or did somebody just play a joke on IBM) ?


Fridrik Skulason      University of Iceland  |       
Technical Editor of the Virus Bulletin (UK)  |  Reserved for future expansion
E-Mail: frisk@rhi.hi.is    Fax: 354-1-28801  |