Xref: utzoo comp.mail.misc:4006 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc:1608 comp.mail.uucp:5166
Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!sdd.hp.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!van-bc!sl
From: sl@van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca (Stuart Lynne)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc,comp.mail.uucp
Subject: Re: UUPC 1.08a available
Message-ID: <1853@van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca>
Date: 11 Sep 90 18:44:43 GMT
References: <142159@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> <1990Sep11.123725.8462@news.clarkson.edu>
Organization: USENET Public Access, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Lines: 33

In article <1990Sep11.123725.8462@news.clarkson.edu> help@kendra.kew.com (Drew Derbyshire - UUPC/extended Help Desk) writes:
}From article <142159@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>, by argv@turnpike.Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller):
}> Does uupc have its own user agent front end?  Why?
}Yes.  Because it always had one (at least since it was called UUPC.)
}dcp may have gottom posted to the net before it was UUPC, but UUPC and
}UUPC/extended ALWAYS have had an MUA.
}> The "features" listed here are all available in Mush and Mush
}> works with (is built for) UUPC on DOS and OS/2 machines.
}> I don't know a lot (anything) about the PC environment,
}> especially with respect to uupc, but if I may enquire to the
}> authors: why don't you just have UUPC do the mail transfer
}> and distribute Mush as the user agent for the program?
}Because UUPC/extended is a self-contained package.  UUPC existed for
>several years before the back-end was borrowed for Mush or anything

Just a footnote here.

When we did uupc we put everything into one package because we where not
sure that we would be able to find a system() call everywhere (like on the
Mac, Atari, etc). So even though the MS-DOS version could have had separate
programs we made it all in one for portability.

We would far prefer to have had separate programs allowing them to be

Stuart Lynne	Unifax Communications Inc.
		...!van-bc!sl 604-937-7532(voice)     	sl@wimsey.bc.ca